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Let's assume I have a given text: how can I colour this text in rainbow colours?



The rainbow beamer colour theme

Top Answer
The following code is modified from the [gradient-text package]( Out of the box, this package can shade a text with an RGB colour gradient, but with a couple of tweaks, it can also support other colours models:


% rainbow text (based on the gradient-text package)

  \clist_set:Nn\l_gtext_First_clist {#3}
  \clist_set:Nn\l_gtext_Last_clist {#4}


\gradient{HSB}{The rainbow beamer colour theme}{0,240,200}{240,240,200}

\gradient{RGB}{The rainbow beamer colour theme}{255,0,0}{0,0,255}



(The code above works for colour models with 3 axis. With a bit more work, also colour models with more or less than 3 axis should be possible...)
Answer #2
With the help of the bestest package `chickenize` this becomes trivial in LuaTeX:


% play with this value, the step is the reciprocal of the number of letters
% needed to get from red to yellow.


{\rainbowcolor The rainbow beamer colour theme}



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