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I am currently making some diagrams in MetaPost. To make them, I am using LuaTeX's `luamplib` package, which was recommended in Toby Thurston's [Drawing with Metapost]( Here is an example:





draw fullcircle scaled 25;



draw fullcircle scaled 25 withcolor red;




As you can see, the figures are placed side-by-side. I would like to put each figure on a separate page.

*Things I've tried which don't work:*
- using the `multi=true` option in the `standalone` class
- using other document classes (e.g., `article`, `slides`, `letter`)

*Things which might be possible, but I don't know how to do:*
- inserting a MetaPost command to start in new page in between `endfig;` and `beginfig(2);`
- Inserting a TeX command to start a new page in between `endfig;` and `beginfig(2);`. I think this would require somehow temporarily exiting the mplibcode environment, because that environment is intended for MetaPost code.

*Note:* I don't want to do this by wrapping each figure in its own `mplibcode` environment, because then my variables from Figure 1 will not be accessible in Figure 2.

**How do I place each figure on a separate page?**
Top Answer
> Note: I don’t want to do this by wrapping each figure in its own mplibcode environment, because then my variables from Figure 1 will not be accessible in Figure 2.

It seems that one can avoid this problem with `\mplibcodeinherit{enable}`: 

% !TeX TS-program = lualatex




foo := 25;

draw fullcircle scaled foo;



draw fullcircle scaled foo withcolor red;


Answer #2
I figured out another solution myself. You can use MetaPost's `verbatimtex ... etex` function to insert Tex commands within MetaPost. So I added the following line in between `endfig;` and `beginfig(2);`

verbatimtex \newpage etex; 

This solution works with the `standalone` package with the `multi=true` option, but it leaves a lot of space around the figures, and chopped off some of the top of my figures, even after adding a border with the `border` option. I had more success using the `article` class along with `\pagenumbering{gobble}` to suppress the page numbers.

Since this method leaves a lot of space around the figures, and doesn't seem to work with the `standalone` package, I prefer the answer from @samcarter. But maybe someone knows how to improve it.

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