beamer add tag
user113391 (imported from SE)
I like the Darmstadt theme in Beamer, but my presentation has to many sections for the headline. I tried to find an elegant solution, without success so far.

Do you know if it is possible to show only a part of the headline? My idea is to have a headline that shows as many sections as possible around (ie before and/or after) the current section.

Thank you for your help.


Here is a MWE:




    \section{Section 1}
    \subsection{Subsection 1.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 1.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.23}
    \section{Section 2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 2}
    \section{Section 3}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 3}
    \section{Section 4}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 4}
    \section{Section 5}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 5}
    \section{Section 6}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 6}
    \section{Section 7}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 7}
    \section{Section 8}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 8}
    \section{Section 9}
    \subsection{Subsection 9.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 9.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.23}
    \section{Section 10}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 10}
    \section{Section 11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 11}
    \section{Section 12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 12}
    \section{Section 13}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 13}
    \section{Section 14}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 14}
    \section{Section 15}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 15}
    \section{Section 16}
    \subsection{Subsection 16.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 16.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.23}
    \section{Section 17}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 17}
    \section{Section 18}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 18}
    \section{Section 19}
    \subsection{Subsection 19.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 19.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.23}
    \section{Section 20}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 20}
Top Answer
samcarter (imported from SE)
The following will show the current section +-2 sections. If you want more or less sections to be displayed, change the value of `\mymin=3` and `\mymax=3` [and add corresponding exception for first, second, second to last and last section].

    % based on the original definitions in beamerbasenavigation.sty
    \def\sectionentry#1#2#3#4#5{% section number, section title, page
                    \box\beamer@sectionbox\hskip1.875ex plus 1fill%
                            \usebeamerfont{section in head/foot}\usebeamercolor[fg]{section in head/foot}%
                                \hyperlink{Navigation#3}{{\usebeamertemplate{section in head/foot}}}%
                                \hyperlink{Navigation#3}{{\usebeamertemplate{section in head/foot shaded}}}%
    	%section number, subsection number, slide number, first/last frame, page number, part number
    		      \advance\beamer@xpos by1\relax%
    		  \hbox to 0pt{%
    		    \advance\beamer@tempdim by-\beamer@boxsize%
    		    \multiply\beamer@tempdim by\beamer@ypos%
    		    \advance\beamer@tempdim by -.05cm%
    		      \multiply\beamer@tempdim by\beamer@xpos%
    		      \advance\beamer@tempdim by -\beamer@boxsize%
    		      \advance\beamer@tempdim by 1pt%
    		          \usebeamerfont{mini frame}%
    		              \usebeamercolor[fg]{mini frame}%
    		                \usebeamertemplate{mini frame}%\beamer@minislidehilight%
    		                \usebeamertemplate{mini frame in current subsection}%\beamer@minisliderowhilight%
    		              \usebeamercolor{mini frame}%
    		              \usebeamertemplate{mini frame in other subsection}%\beamer@minislide%
    		            \usebeamercolor{mini frame}%
    		            \usebeamertemplate{mini frame in other subsection}%\beamer@minislide%
    		        }}}\hskip-10cm plus 1fil%
    \section{Section 1}
    \subsection{Subsection 1.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 1.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 1.23}
    \section{Section 2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 2}
    \section{Section 3}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 3}
    \section{Section 4}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 4}
    \section{Section 5}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 5}
    \section{Section 6}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 6}
    \section{Section 7}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 7}
    \section{Section 8}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 8}
    \section{Section 9}
    \subsection{Subsection 9.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 9.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 9.23}
    \section{Section 10}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 10}
    \section{Section 11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 11}
    \section{Section 12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 12}
    \section{Section 13}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 13}
    \section{Section 14}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 14}
    \section{Section 15}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 15}
    \section{Section 16}
    \subsection{Subsection 16.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 16.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 16.23}
    \section{Section 17}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 17}
    \section{Section 18}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 18}
    \section{Section 19}
    \subsection{Subsection 19.1}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.11}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.12}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.13}
    \subsection{Subsection 19.2}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.21}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.22}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 19.23}
    \section{Section 20}
    \begin{frame}{Frame 20}

[![enter image description here][1]][1]


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