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Purim starts on the evening of March 6 2023.  But we don't have any Purim ducks so how will we celebrate?

The two main characters of Purim are Queen Esther and the baddy Haman. Queen Esther is normally depicted wearing a crown , with a veil and generally looking pretty. Although she is not always happy.

![Screenshot from 2023-03-05 11-46-12.png](/image?hash=d18ddc71feb497dcb692ec7543d55553d0d0cbb100bdc37865213e38f22dc269)

![queen esther](/image?hash=f394cdb9262484ec8e644042392218ea1a33924fdab5eb8006a57e55bd7ec281)

Haman is depicted as bad person wearing a three cornered hat.



There are two important other items in Purim. The first is the food hamantaschen, meant to represent the hat of Haman.


The second is the grogger (or rattle) that we shake to make a noise whenever Haman's name is said and we all shout "Booooo".

Top Answer
For the queen a TikZduck, for Haman I think a TikZling wolf could be suitable:


\node[fill=green, minimum width=4cm, minimum height=4cm] at (1,1) {};
\duck[crown=red,jacket=white,  longhair=brown, necklace=blue]
\node[fill=green, minimum width=4cm, minimum height=4cm] at (0,1) {};
\draw[brown, fill=brown!40!yellow, rounded corners, line width=2pt](-.9,1.8) to[bend right=20] (0,2.9) to[bend right=20] (.9,1.8) -- cycle;
\clip (-.9,1.8) to[bend right=20] (0,2.9) to[bend right=20] (.9,1.8) -- cycle;
\node[fill=brown, minimum size=.4cm, rotate=45] at (0,2.6) {};
\draw[brown, line width=1pt](0,2.9)--(0,0);
Answer #2
> This is purely based on @CarLaTeX's very creative answer, so all credits should go to her!

A slight modification of the code from @CarLaTeX to keep the ears of the wolf nice and warm during the winter:


\draw[brown, fill=brown!40!yellow, rounded corners, line width=2pt](-.9,1.7) to[bend right=20] (0,2.9) to[bend right=20] (.9,1.7) to[bend right=10] (-.68,1.7) -- cycle;
\clip (-.9,1.8) to[bend right=20] (0,2.9) to[bend right=20] (.9,1.8) -- cycle;
\node[fill=brown, minimum size=.4cm, rotate=45] at (0,2.6) {};
\draw[brown, line width=1pt](0,2.9)--(0,0);


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