amsmath add tag
I want to place multiple-line text in an align environment, in a way that does not create a new line. Here's what I want:

However, I can't figure out how to produce this. My best attempt is to use a `parbox`, but it results in a space between the lines of the equations:
a &= b + c & &\parbox[t]{20mm}{this is a long bit of text} \\
d &= e + f \\
Top Answer
Quick and dirty hack: smash your parbox




a &= b + c & &\smash{\parbox[t]{20mm}{this is a long bit of text}} \\
d &= e + f \\


A different approach could be to use a table:




a &= b + c & \SetCell[r=2]{} this is a long bit of text \\
d &= e + f \\


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