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What should we use for this site's identicon (also used for the top level site chat)?
Top Answer
# TeX Tophat

...for topanswers:


PNG with 24px:



\begin{scope}[transform shape,rotate=-17.5,font=\sffamily]

% brim
\fill[black] (0.62, 0.66) .. controls (0.62, 0.52) and (0.34, 0.37) .. (0, 0.37) .. controls (-0.34, 0.37) and (-0.62, 0.52) .. (-0.62, 0.66) .. controls (-0.62, 0.8) and (-0.34, 0.7) .. (0, 0.7) .. controls (0.34, 0.7) and (0.62, 0.8) .. (0.62, 0.66) -- cycle;

% top ellipse
\fill[black] (0,1.13) ellipse (0.42 and 0.1);
\fill[black] (-0.37,0.61) -- (0.37,0.61) -- (0.42,1.13) -- (-0.42,1.13) -- cycle;

% bottom ellipse
\fill[black] (0,0.61) ellipse (0.37 and 0.1);

% text
\node[white] at (-0.2,0.92) {T};
\node[white] at (-0.04,0.84) {E};
\node[white] at (0.16,0.92) {X};


The tophat can also be combined with colour:


PNG with 24px:



\begin{scope}[transform shape,rotate=-17.5,font=\sffamily]

% brim
\fill[black] (0.62, 0.66) .. controls (0.62, 0.52) and (0.34, 0.37) .. (0, 0.37) .. controls (-0.34, 0.37) and (-0.62, 0.52) .. (-0.62, 0.66) .. controls (-0.62, 0.8) and (-0.34, 0.7) .. (0, 0.7) .. controls (0.34, 0.7) and (0.62, 0.8) .. (0.62, 0.66) -- cycle;

% top ellipse
\fill[black] (0,1.13) ellipse (0.42 and 0.1);
\fill[black] (-0.37,0.61) -- (0.37,0.61) -- (0.42,1.13) -- (-0.42,1.13) -- cycle;

% bottom ellipse
\fill[dred] (0,0.61) ellipse (0.37 and 0.1);
\fill[dred] (-0.37,0.61) -- (0.37,0.61) -- (0.38,0.73) -- (-0.38,0.73) -- cycle;

% cutout
\fill[black] (0,0.73) ellipse (0.38 and 0.1);

% text
\node[white] at (-0.2,0.92) {T};
\node[white] at (-0.04,0.84) {E};
\node[white] at (0.16,0.92) {X};

Answer #2
[Latex lion](
Answer #3
# TeX Speech Ballon



This would be a simple icon for most situations and could be combined with e.g. ducksay, tikzducks or tikzlings if we need some funny image somewhere.

PNG with 24px:


Answer #4
# A Small Duck Saying "TeX"

Since the CM font used by `\tiny` is created to be readable at tiny sizes, I figured it might be a good idea to use it and scale it up.

{ \

PNG at 300dpi:


PNG with 24px:



{ \

PNG at 300dpi:


PNG with 24px:

Answer #5
# A Duck

For example DEK duck.

...because [ducks](

Transparent DEK at 300dpi:


Transparent DEK with 24px:

Answer #6
# The TeX Logo

The plain and simple TeX logo in a colour of our choice (the red  shown here is just an example to match the site colour):


PNG with 24px:


\color{dred}\Huge \TeX
Answer #7
user 3.14159
# A Snow(wo)man

...because TeX is cool. The top hat is shamelessly stolen from [samcarter's answer](, and the snow man from their package.

\documentclass[tikz, border=3mm]{standalone}
\node[text=white,rotate=-15] at (0.18,2.4) {\TeX};

![Screen Shot 2019-12-06 at 4.53.40 PM.png](/image?hash=5e6bba9800fce81902685d15d4d4d4448df7d74e3718aacb527b64f5408af660)

PNG with 24px:

Answer #8
# A Duck Saying "TeX"


PNG with 24px:


Answer #9
# Braces

Just an empty pair of braces, perhaps colored to match the site.

# **{ }**
...because TeX without braces is like a duck without water.
Answer #10
# TeX logo with question mark

I created this with legebility in mind, it is simple and shows what the site is about. Only the E with the question mark in the background might be a bit hard to decipher.

\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt]
  % to get a square canvas
  \node[rotate=90,transform shape]{\phantom{\TeX}};

PNG at 300dpi:


PNG with 24px:


## Old Version with non-bold question mark

PNG at 300dpi:


PNG with 24px:


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