koma add tag
I want to use KOMA, but keep control of page geometry, using the geometry package, as recommended in the KOMA manual.

Sadly the manual is not clear with how this should be done.

For example:


  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The above results in the visible deficiency of the page number almost dropping off the bottom edge of the paper:


If `scrartcl` is instead replaced with `article`, the result is as expected and more visually pleasing:


Furthermore, if the value of the `scale` parameter is increased slightly:

* with the `article` class, the page number stays on the page

* with `scrartcl`, the page number isn't visible at all anymore.

Note: if important, I used LuaTeX for all examples.

Why does KOMA's class act differently from `article`, here?

What's the proper way to use the KOMA classes without surrenderring the control of the page geometry?
Top Answer
As per samcarter's comment, this is caused by the `article` class having a different value for footskip than `scrartcl`.

So it's necessary to manually set footskip (and perhaps also headsep, headsize, marginparsep, marginparwidth) with package `geometry`, for example like so:
% \documentclass[fontsize=12pt]{scrartcl}
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}


  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The above code seems to produce the same visual result when using `scrartcl` instead of `article`, by commenting the `\documentclass` command and uncommenting the above comment.

I guess that an alternative option would be to load `geometry` with an option like includefoot.

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