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I am trying to follow [this]( answer, but since I prefer using `arara` and don't compile from the terminal, I wanted a way to add something like this to the arara-setup. Is it possible? A non-working example is like follows:

% arara: lualatex "\PassOptionsToClass{handout}{beamer}\input{foo.tex}"


What is the `arara`-way of doing something like this?
Top Answer
Turned out to be much simpler than I thought it would be.

% arara: lualatex: { options: [
% arara: --> '"\PassOptionsToClass{handout}{beamer}\input{foo.tex}"'
% arara: --> ] }

(Assuming the file-name is `foo`. Unfortunately `\jobname` doesn't work.

After creating a sub-directory named `handouts/`, the following can be a better approach. It generates a file without overlays, move it to the handouts directory, generates a file without overlays and cleans the auxiliary files.

% arara: pdflatex: { options: [
% arara: --> '"\PassOptionsToClass{handout}{beamer}\input{foo}"'
% arara: --> ] }
% arara: pdflatex: { options: [
% arara: --> '"\PassOptionsToClass{handout}{beamer}\input{foo}"'
% arara: --> ] }
% arara: move: {
% arara: -->     files:  ['foo.pdf'],
% arara: -->     target: 'handouts/foo.pdf'
% arara: -->   }
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: clean: {
% arara: -->       extensions: [
% arara: -->         aux,log,toc,
% arara: -->         snm,out,nav,
% arara: -->         run.xml,tex~
%                    For biber+biblatex
% arara: -->         bcf,bbl,blg,
%                    For makeglossaries
% arara: -->         gls,glo,glg,
% arara: -->       ]
% arara: -->    }
Answer #2
You could use the `latexmk` arara rule. This allows you to use the convenient `pretex` option:

(no need for hardcoded file names and it will safe you time as latex is called only as often as needed)

% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: latexmk: {
% arara: -->  engine: lualatex,  
% arara: -->  options: [ 
% arara: -->    '-pretex="\\PassOptionsToClass{handout}{beamer}"',
% arara: -->    '-usepretex'
% arara: -->  ] 
% arara: --> }


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