While looking for a workaround for [CarLaTeX's recent question]( I was wondering if it is possible for a user to define a new horizontal alignment in tabularray.
My naive attempt was to look into the source for `\TblrAlignRight`, copy these lines and and give them a new name:
\cs_new_eq:NN \__tblr_halign_command_s: \TblrAlignSam
\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[s,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} &
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} &
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\
However this results in the error
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \color
{\l__tblr_b_tl }\vrule width \dim_use:N \l_tmpa_dim heigh...
l.16 \end
Is there a way for an user to define additional horizontal alignments?
Top Answer
Rubber duck debugging worked great and as soon as I posted the question, I found a solution :)
I also need to add it to the tblr-column keys:
\cs_new_eq:NN \__tblr_halign_command_s: \TblrAlignSam
\keys_define:nn { tblr-column } { s.meta:n = { halign = s } }
\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[s,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} &
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} &
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\
Or alternatively explicitly use `halign=s` in the column instead of the shorthand:
\cs_new_eq:NN \__tblr_halign_command_s: \TblrAlignSam
\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[halign=s,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} &
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} &
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\