This MWE works:
\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[r,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} &
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} &
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\

If I change `article` into `ltugboat`, the first horizontal alignment is wrong:
\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[r,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} &
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} &
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\

Top Answer
The problem seems to be that ltugboat.cls redefines `\raggedright` etc.
If one uses the original definitions from source2e, the alignment seems to work:
\begin{tblr}{colspec={Q[r,t]Q[c,m]Q[l,b]}, hlines}
{The baseline is\\ at the top\\ (right aligned)} &
{The baseline is\\ in the middle\\ (centered)} &
{The baseline is\\ at the bottom\\ (left aligned)}\\