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# Merry Chrismas to all of you!

In case you'd like to take a short break from the holidays and play a bit with tex: 

What's the shortest code (measured in byte) you can come up to draw a Christmas tree?


(image from

The Christmas tree needs to have 

- a star at the top
- at least six branches
- at least five bubbles

You may use

- any engine distributed with miktex/texlive
- any default format for these engines
- any package available on ctan 
- don't worry about best practises :)

(in case your editor does not already show you the size in byte, you could e.g. use )
Top Answer
Everybody knows that there are only two forms of true art. Of course I mean pixel-art and ASCII-art. Since the plain ugly tree is already some kind of ASCII-art, pixel-art is still missing in this thread!

# LaTeX pdfTeX, 175 bytes



# LaTeX pdfTeX, 160 bytes

Now that Christmas is over the tree fell over:



# LaTeX pdfTeX, 152 bytes

I'm afraid it'll turn all brown in a couple of days:




Nicer to read version (of the upright tree):

Answer #2
The same tree as samcarter's ugly one, but this one is plain ugly.

# plain pdfTeX, 43 bytes.



Another version of the same plain ugly tree:

# plain pdfTeX, 43 bytes.




Answer #3
Contender in the category "ugliest tree" :)


(58 bytes)

![Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 14.41.41.png](/image?hash=30d9e60f2c9e3ff965126feb7634fedad0c0b8db963a16c34a7cf2af683f7598)
Answer #4
My attempt at a plain Ti*k*Zed tree. Not pretty, but a tree in Ti*k*Z.

# plain pdfTeX, ~~203~~197 bytes

\input tikz\def~{)--(}\tikz{\fill[green](,~13,~7,4)(2,3~12,3~7,6)(3,5~11,5~7,7);\let~\foreach~\x/~in{3/3,9/3,5/5,8/5,6/2}\fill[red](\x,~)circle(.3);~~in{0,3,...,33}\draw[yellow](7,7)--+(~0:1);}\bye

Answer #5
Long, but with colours:


(767 bytes)


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