I want to use a floating entity as in some material which can be printed with positioning parameters irrespective of where it appears in the code, I know the `float` package, but the approach it uses is a bit over the top for me as I don't want the counting mechanism, `\listof{x}` command, generating auxiliary files and so on. Is there any standard LaTeX method for developing such custom floats and positioning them? If there isn't any, what could be the lightest way of developing such a float which essentially does nothing but positioning of material? Note that I don't want to tinker with `table` and `figure`. I want to keep it separate.
Top Answer
Joseph Wright
You just have to follow the model in _e.g._ `article.cls` for figures or tables:
Some context
\caption{Oooh a scheme!}
Note that this is basically what `float` does, it just makes it easier to set up. Notice we do need to set up various things to make sure that mechanisms still work: we have for example to have a file extension for recording the new float type, even if you don't want to use it.