Dr. Manuel Kuehner
* This question is [inspired by a comment](https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=2066&id=141193#c141193) of [user samcarter](https://topanswers.xyz/user?id=167&community=tex).
* Given you have a **LuaTeX** document, how does one find out (systematically) which **font series** are availeble?
* In my [specific example](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=2021), it was unclear to me how to find out what to put after the equal sign in `BoldFont={Fira Sans SemiBold}`, for example.
* I am using both, **Windows** (TeXLive or MiKTeX) and **Overleaf**.
\usetheme[background = dark]{metropolis}
\setsansfont[ItalicFont={Fira Sans Light Italic},%
BoldFont={Fira Sans SemiBold},%
BoldItalicFont={Fira Sans Italic}]%
{Fira Sans Light}%
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
{\tiny normalfont \textbf{text\textit{bf}}}