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> This is part of the Summer of Code 2022 series, see for more information

For the two final days, there is one ~~puzzle~~ fun activity spanning two days: Draw a rabbit (or any other fun animal if you don't like rabbits)

(I totally expect at least one ducksay answer, please don't disappoint me :) )

Top Answer
*No spoiler*

Today's adventure with `l3draw`:






	\color_set:nnn {body} {RGB} {244,239,217}
	\color_set:nnn {accent} {RGB} {233,152,150}  
	% Body
		{ 0.0cm, 0.65cm }
		{ 0.4cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0cm , 0.5cm }
	\color_fill:n { body  }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }		  

	% feet
		{ -0.255cm, 0.2cm }
		{ 0.15cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0cm , 0.15cm }
		{ 0.255cm, 0.2cm }
		{ 0.15cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0cm , 0.15cm }
	\color_fill:n { body }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }
	% head
		{ 0.0cm, 1.3cm }
		{ 0.37cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0cm , 0.35cm }
	\color_fill:n { body  }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }		  
	% ears
		{ -0.255cm, 1.7cm }
		{ 0.09cm , 0cm } 
		{ -0.05cm , 0.23cm }
		{ 0.255cm, 1.7cm }
		{ 0.09cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0.05cm , 0.23cm }
	\color_fill:n { body }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill } 		
		{ -0.255cm, 1.7cm }
		{ 0.05cm , 0cm } 
		{ -0.04cm , 0.17cm }
		{ 0.255cm, 1.7cm }
		{ 0.05cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0.04cm , 0.17cm }
	\color_fill:n { accent }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill } 		  
	% Belly
		{ 0.0cm, 0.6cm }
		{ 0.3cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0cm , 0.35cm }
	\color_fill:n { accent  }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }		  
	% left arm
		{ -0.25cm,0.73cm }
		{ 0.1cm , 0cm } % rx = (x' cos a , x' sin a)
		{ -0.04cm , 0.15cm } % ry = (-y' sin a, y' cos a)
	\color_fill:n { body }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill } 

	% right arm
		{ 0.25cm,0.73cm }
		{ 0.1cm , 0cm } % rx = (x' cos a , x' sin a)
		{ 0.04cm , 0.15cm } % ry = (-y' sin a, y' cos a)
	\color_fill:n { body }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }
	% Nose
		{ 0.0cm, 1.3cm }
		{ 0.06cm , 0cm } 
		{ 0cm , 0.04cm }
	\color_fill:n { accent }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }
	% eyes
	\color_fill:n { black }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { fill }
	% mouth
  \color_select:n { accent }
		{ 0.145cm , 1.21cm } 
		{ 0cm , 1.1cm }
		{ 0cm , 1.3cm }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { stroke }
		{ -0.145cm , 1.21cm } 
		{ 0cm , 1.1cm }
		{ 0cm , 1.3cm }
	\draw_path_use_clear:n { stroke }  



Answer #2
ASCII-crusader wants to solve:

Since this is expected... ;)


\renewcommand\familydefault{\ttdefault}% for the correct "em"

\ducksay[rabbit,body-mirrored,body-to-msg=r,body-x=2.3em,b,vpad=1]{We're ducks!}%
\ducksay[crusader,b,body-bigger=1,vpad=3]{lepores sunt!}


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