I am trying to draw a line from one (`\tikz`)`mark` to another one from my document. As can be seen in the following code; it works correctly when both the marks are present on a single page, but doesn't work when the page is crossed.
\item Hello world
\lipsum%[1]% Works fine when both the marks are on the same
% page.
\item Hello world
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
\draw[overlay] (pic cs:one) -> (pic cs:two);
PS: Kindly don't suggest `tcolorbox` or `mdframed` solutions. I have tried both of them and there are various reasons for not choosing them for this purpose. Don't worry about that line overlapping the text. That `lipsum` text is just a place-holder.
Top Answer
Tikzpictures don't break across pages. You'll have to split it into one tikzpicture per page:
\item[\tikzmark{one}] Hello world
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
let \p1 = (pic cs:one),
\p2 = (current page text area.south)
(pic cs:one) -- (\x1,\y2);
\lipsum%[1]% Works fine when both the marks are on the same
% page.
% make sure to place this code on the second page
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
let \p1 = (pic cs:one),
\p2 = (current page text area.north west),
\p3 = (current page text area.south west),
(\x1,\y2) -- (\x1,\y3);
\item[\tikzmark{two}] Hello world
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]
let \p1 = (pic cs:two),
\p2 = (current page text area.north)
(\x1,\y2) -- (pic cs:two) ;
(I moved `\tikzmark` to the label of the first item, otherwise you risk to define the same mark multiple times)