beamer add tag
Dr. Manuel Kuehner
* This question is related to
* There is a unexpected side effects: **Unwanted page number** on **(1)** title page frame (`\maketitle`), on **(2)** section slides, and on **(3)** frames with the **`plain` option**.
* How can we remove the page numbers from frames that normally no not have a page number (metropolis default).

% LuaLaTeX



\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{\usebeamerfont{page number in head/foot}\usebeamercolor{page number in head/foot}\usebeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}}
\setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[framenumber]




    abc\footnote{Footnote text.}



Top Answer
Beamer jumps through a lot of hoops to add the `navigation symbols`-template (which now has your frame numbers) to plain frames, but we can sabotage this with `\patchcmd{\ps@empty}{\usebeamertemplate***{navigation symbols}}{}{}{}` :)


\usetheme{moloch}% modern fork of the metropolis theme


\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\scriptsize}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{\usebeamerfont{page number in head/foot}\usebeamercolor{page number in head/foot}\usebeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}}
\setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[framenumber]

\patchcmd{\ps@empty}{\usebeamertemplate***{navigation symbols}}{}{}{}




    abc\footnote{Footnote text.}


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