beamer add tag

To shoot a video, I will use a `beamer` presentation (hence my previous [question]( about half frames... the other half is for me).

I am asked to provide a script with what I'll say. 

`notes` seem to be the correct tool for that.

However, I would also need (for subtitles) to provide a complete script.

**Where I need help**

I tried to export the content of each `note` to a `\jobname-mynotes.tex` file thanks to [`newfile` package](

I am stuck on 3 points
1. a `beamer \newcommand` that mimic `\notes<>{}` but exports its contents
1. add the document `\section` and `\subsection` in the output document.
1. open and close the output after the dcument begins and before it ends. I suspect `etoolbox` to be involved, but I am lacking of practice on this package.

**What I've tried so far**




\setbeameroption{show notes}
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
%\setbeameroption{show only notes} 

		#1 % I still want to display the text in beamer
		\addtostream{mynotes}{#1} %and also want to export it


%Open the stream

\section{First section}
\subsection{First subsection}

		\item<1-> talk about something
		\item<2-> talk about other thing
	\note<1>{\lipsum[1] \addtostream{mynotes}{\lipsum[1]}}
	\note<2>{Just some text, not command}
\subsection{Second subsection}
%% I get an error when I try to use \mynote
%	\begin{itemize}
%		\item<1-> talk about something
%		%\pause
%		\item<2-> talk about other thing
%	\end{itemize}
%	\mynote<1>{\lipsum[1]}
%	\mynote<2>{Just some text, not command}

%close the stream



Top Answer
> 1. a beamer `\newcommand` that mimic `\notes<>{}` but exports its contents

If you only use notes inside the frame environment, you could add the stream to `\beamer@inframenote` and then just use the normal `\note` macro

(patching `\note` is a bit tricky because it is defined differently depending on the context)

> 2. add the document `\section` and `\subsection` in the output document.

You could use 


> 3. open and close the output after the document begins and before it ends. I suspect `etoolbox` to be involved, but I am lacking of practice on this package.

Indeed, etoolbox comes in handy for this:





\setbeameroption{show notes}
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen=right}
%\setbeameroption{show only notes} 



%Open the stream

%close the stream


\section{First section}
\subsection{First subsection}
\subsection{Second subsection}
%% I get an error when I try to use \mynote
		\item<1-> talk about something
		\item<2-> talk about other thing
	\note<2>{Just some text, not command}


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