tikz expl3 add tag
Inspired by [this question](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=2028), I wanted to add pics for the TikZlings. Some code like


  anteater/.search also={,/tikz,/pgf,/thing},
  bear/.search also={,/tikz,/pgf,/thing},
  cat/.search also={,/tikz,/pgf,/thing}, 
  % ...

  thing/.search also={,/tikz,/pgf},  

  \draw(0,0) grid(4,4);
  \draw(0,0) --++(0.5,0.5) pic{bear}
             --++(1,1)     pic[cat/body=red,scale=0.5]{cat}
             --++(1,1)     pic[thing/hat=red]{bear};

seems to work fine, but having a long hard coded list of tikzlings makes adding new ones error prone. 

So I thought that maybe one could use something similar to


which would iterate over a list that looks similar to this:


I tried to modify the code, but I must do something horrible wrong because it exploded quite spectacularly: 



\cs_new:Npn \tikzlings_iterate_pic:N #1 { 
  \clist_map_function:NN #1 \__tikzlings_pic_items:n 

\cs_new:Npn \__tikzlings_pic_items:n #1 {
    \exp_not:N { 
      \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop 
    \exp_not:c { 
      \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop 
    \exp_not:N { 
      \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop 
  /.search also={,/tikz,/pgf,/thing},  
\cs_new_eq:NN \tikzling@iterate_pic \tikzlings_iterate_pic:N



  \draw(0,0) grid(4,4);
  \draw(0,0) --++(0.5,0.5) pic{bear};
Top Answer
Phelype Oleinik
The first error:
! Undefined control sequence.
\pgfkeyscurrentkey ->\tikzling@iterate 
l.32 \makeatother
is because you are mixing `expl3` syntax with 2e syntax in `\tikzset{\tikzling@iterate_pic\tikzling@list}`, but you did `\ExplSyntaxOff` just before that, so `\tikzling@iterate_pic` is seen as `\tikzling@iterate _pic`.  Avoid mixing syntaxes; use `\tikzling@iterate@pic` here.


After fixing that, the next error is more cryptic:
! Argument of \reserved@a has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.32 \makeatother
which shows the error in the `\makeatother` line, but it is actually because of `\ExpArgsNnx`.  It takes three arguments:  an `N` argument (a single token which will not be expanded), an `n` argument (a braced group of tokens which will not be expanded), and an `x` argument (a braced group of tokens that will be `x`-(`\edef`-)expanded).  If you look at the code (newlines added for clarity):

\makeatother                            % x
you can see that what is actually being `x`-expanded is `\makeatother`, and not `\tikzling@iterate@pic` as you wanted (that's why the error shows in the `\makeatother` line).

Here you want `\ExpArgsNx`, so you can do `\cs_new_eq:NN \ExpArgsNx \exp_args:Nx` or if you don't care about compatibility with older LaTeX you can use the newly added `\ExpArgs{x}` (the first argument is always `N` so it is assumed for `\ExpArgs`):

% or \cs_new_eq:NN \ExpArgsNx \exp_args:Nx then
% \ExpArgsNx\tikzset{\tikzling@iterate@pic\tikzling@list}


After that, the error is because you wrote:
  \exp_not:N { 
      \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop 
    \exp_not:c { 
      \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop 
If you replace `\__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop` by (say) `anteater`, you get:
  \exp_not:N { anteater } /.pic{ \exp_not:c { anteater } }
The `\exp_not:N` here is doing nothing because it's acting on `{`, which doesn't expand anyway, so it can go.  Then you have `{anteater}` as a key, but keys don't go in braces, so you can remove those too.  Then you are missing a `=` after `.pic`.


Finally you have an easy one:
! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/anteater/.searchalso', to
 which you passed ',/tikz,/pgf,/thing', and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps yo
u misspelled it.
Remember that spaces matter in PGF keys, but not in `expl3` syntax, so you have to write `.search~also`, and after that the code will work.


You can make your code easier to read if you first expand `\__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop` to get the TikZling name, and pass that to an auxiliary:
\cs_new:Npn \__tikzlings_pic_items:n #1
    \exp_args:No \__tikzlings_pic_items_aux:n
      { \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop }
\cs_new:Npn \__tikzlings_pic_items_aux:n #1
    #1/.pic = { \exp_not:c {#1} },
    #1/.search~also = {,/tikz,/pgf,/thing},


Full code:


\cs_new:Npn \tikzlings_iterate_pic:N #1
  { \clist_map_function:NN #1 \__tikzlings_pic_items:n }

\cs_new:Npn \__tikzlings_pic_items:n #1
    \exp_args:No \__tikzlings_pic_items_aux:n
      { \__tikzlings_before_slash:w #1 / \s_stop }
\cs_new:Npn \__tikzlings_pic_items_aux:n #1
    #1/.pic = { \exp_not:c {#1} },
    #1/.search~also = {,/tikz,/pgf,/thing},
\cs_new_eq:NN \tikzling@iterate@pic \tikzlings_iterate_pic:N


% or \cs_new_eq:NN \ExpArgsNx \exp_args:Nx then
% \ExpArgsNx\tikzset{\tikzling@iterate@pic\tikzling@list}

  \draw(0,0) grid(4,4);
  \draw(0,0) --++(0.5,0.5) pic{bear};

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