I learned from Ulrike [here]( that we can use `pic` for placing TikZlings, such as:
\draw(0,0) grid(4,4);
\draw(0,0) --++(0.5,0.5) pic{marmot}
--++(1,1) pic{bear}
--++(1,1) pic{mole};
And Salim suggested we could use a box for storing in a node, such as by
\draw(3,3) node {\usebox{\bearbox}};
The codes like `bear/.pic={\bear}` looks easy to add to the tikzlings package for all of them. Can we have this by default? Or when we use an option such as `\usepackage[pic]{tikzlings}`?
Second, could we have them as nodes, such as with the savebox? Or at least boxes done by default? If it's a resource issue, it could be selected such as by `\usepackage[nodes={bear,marmot}]{tikzlings}` so we can use then in drawings.
They are good for explaining things in diagrams and plots with callout shapes so having a way for positioning them would be great.
At least the `pic` way sounds like a quick benefit.
Top Answer
I just added a TikZ library to version 1.0 of the TikZlings. It is already on its way to ctan or can be download from
The usage is like this:
\draw(0,0) grid(4,4);
\draw(0,0) --++(0.5,0.5) pic{bear}
--++(1,1) pic[cat/body=red,scale=0.5]{cat}
--++(1,1) pic[thing/hat=red]{bear};