fonts add tag
Dr. Manuel Kuehner
* To me, dealing with fonts in LaTeX is still a mystery and I stared using LaTeX more than 10 years ago.
* I sometimes advise students and friends with LaTeX-related questions and I use LaTeX myself at work as often as possible.
* **I was wondering which font I could recommend a beginner so that the person has a as little trouble and effort as possible regarding font-related issues.**
* Meaning that the font should cover **European alphabets**, most **math symbols**, and **small caps**, **typewriter** etc.
* Ideally, the font is **actively maintained** and will not be obsolete anytime soon.
* Ideally, the font is **free**.
* The font should be part of a normal **LaTeX distribution** (MiKTeX, TeXLive).
* Fonts that require **LuaLaTeX** are ok, e. g. [fira](!
* I know that the question is a bit open ended but I hope that you are still willing to share your thoughts with me.

Googling around, it seems like [STIX]( is a good candidate -- what do you think? [noto]( also looks good but does not come with math symbols, maybe there is a good math font that can be combined with `noto` from an aestetic pront of view.

**My Old Related Question**



	\usepackage[ngerman, catalan, english]{babel}

	\title{Hassle-Free Fonts}
	\author{Little Helper on}







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