tikz add tag
I would like to reproduce this image:

![Screenshot from 2022-05-05 17-55-16.png](/image?hash=cdc9f783c68ae159e2433894364fb6e59a00e5e69e8a3250156741e235e513fe)

I can make the grid of nodes with:

    dot/.style 2 args={fill, circle, inner sep=1pt, label={#1:\scriptsize #2}}


C/.style = {circle, draw, fill=yellow, minimum size=5mm, 
            inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}
\foreach \x  in {0,...,3}{
    \foreach \y in {0,...,3}{
    \node (\x) [C] at (\x,\y)  {};


I don't know how to do the rest sadly.
Top Answer
A solution with two TikZ matrices:


\tikzset{mymatr/.style={matrix of nodes,
    nodes in empty cells,
    nodes={draw=black, fill=yellow, circle, thick},
    row sep=5mm,
    column sep=5mm}}
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}
    {\foreach[evaluate=\j as \jsucc using int(\j+1)] \j in {1,...,3}
        {\draw[thick] (matrA-\i-\j) -- (matrA-\i-\jsucc);
        \draw[thick] (matrA-\j-\i) -- (matrA-\jsucc-\i);}}
\node[single arrow, fill=green, draw=black, thick, right=4mm of matrA, minimum height=1cm] (myar) {};
\matrix[mymatr, right=4mm of myar](matrB){
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}
    {\draw[thick] (matrB-\i-1) --  (matrB-\i-2);
     \draw[thick] (matrB-\i-3) --  (matrB-\i-4);}
\foreach \i in {2,4}
{\draw[line width=3pt] (matrB-1-\i) --  (matrB-2-\i);
\draw[line width=3pt] (matrB-3-\i) --  (matrB-4-\i);}
\foreach \i in {2,3}
{\draw[line width=4pt] (matrB-\i-2) --  (matrB-\i-3);}
\draw[line width=6pt] (matrB-2-3) --  (matrB-3-3);
\node[fit=(matrA-3-1)(matrA-4-4), label={160:\huge\color{blue}\bfseries U}, inner sep=1pt, draw=blue, line width=2pt, ellipse]{};
\node[fit=(matrB-3-1)(matrB-4-4), label={20:\huge\color{blue}\bfseries U}, inner sep=1pt, draw=blue, line width=2pt, ellipse]{};

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