beamer add tag
Dr. Manuel Kuehner
* This is a follow-up to [this comment](
* I want to use the very nice looking `metropolis` beamer theme.
* With the help of user `samcarter`, I managed to create the following MWE.
* **Goal:** My goal is to have (only) the current section and subsection bold in the navigation (`\insertsectionnavigationhorizontal` and `\insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal`). All other items should be normal (not bold).
* Currenty, it seems like all entries are bold (current and other).

![Screenshot 2022-04-12 202742.png](/image?hash=831bf791622438b1d46319d93edc486ed51494f4f1922bab30fc687d7f39f197)

--- --- 

    	background = dark


    % @samcarter: \makeatletter does not seem to be needed.
      \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{upper separation line head}
      \begin{beamercolorbox}{section in head/foot}
        \vskip1pt\strut \insertsectionnavigationhorizontal{\paperwidth}{}{} \vskip1pt % @samcarter: I inserted \strut to reserve the space for a fill line width
        \vskip1pt\strut \insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal{\paperwidth}{}{\hskip0pt plus1filll} \vskip3pt
      \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{lower separation line head}

	% My attempts to make it happen
    % ---
    \setbeamerfont{section in head/foot}{family=\bfseries}
    \setbeamerfont{section in head/foot shaded}{}

    \setbeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}{family=\bfseries}
    \setbeamerfont{subsection in head/foot shaded}{}

    \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=normal, fg=structure.fg}
    \setbeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}{bg=normal, fg=structure.fg}
     % ---


    \section{section 1}

    \section{section 2}
    \subsection{subsection 1}

    \subsection{subsection 2}

    \section{section 3}

Top Answer
By default, beamer does not have separate font templates for the current and inactive (sub-)sections, but you can add them like this:


	background = dark
]{moloch}% modern fork of the metropolis theme


% @samcarter: \makeatletter does not seem to be needed.
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{upper separation line head}
  \begin{beamercolorbox}{section in head/foot}
    \vskip1pt\strut \insertsectionnavigationhorizontal{\paperwidth}{}{} \vskip1pt % @samcarter: I inserted \strut to reserve the space for a fill line width
    \vskip1pt\strut \insertsubsectionnavigationhorizontal{\paperwidth}{}{\hskip0pt plus1filll} \vskip3pt
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[colsep=1.5pt]{lower separation line head}

\def\sectionentry#1#2#3#4#5{% section number, section title, page
  \box\beamer@sectionbox\hskip1.875ex plus 1fill%
%      \usebeamerfont{section in head/foot}
      \usebeamercolor[fg]{section in head/foot}%
        \usebeamerfont{section in head/foot}%
        \hyperlink{Navigation#3}{{\usebeamertemplate{section in head/foot}}}%
        \usebeamerfont{section in head/foot shaded}%
        \hyperlink{Navigation#3}{{\usebeamertemplate{section in head/foot shaded}}}%
  \hbox to #1{{%
%    \usebeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}
    \usebeamercolor[fg]{subsection in head/foot}%
      \box\beamer@sectionbox\hskip1.875ex plus1fill%
        \beamer@link(##4){{\usebeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}\usebeamertemplate{subsection in head/foot}}}\else%
        \beamer@link(##4){{\usebeamerfont{subsection in head/foot shaded}\usebeamertemplate{subsection in head/foot shaded}}}\fi}%
    \hskip-1.875ex plus-1fill\dohead%


% My attempts to make it happen
% ---
\setbeamerfont{section in head/foot}{series=\bfseries}
\setbeamerfont{section in head/foot shaded}{series=\normalfont}

\setbeamerfont{subsection in head/foot}{series=\bfseries}
\setbeamerfont{subsection in head/foot shaded}{series=\normalfont}

\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=normal, fg=structure.fg}
\setbeamercolor{subsection in head/foot}{bg=normal, fg=structure.fg}
 % ---


\section{section 1}

\section{section 2}
\subsection{subsection 1}

\subsection{subsection 2}
    abc test

\section{section 3}


![Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 14.23.36.png](/image?hash=be7a556060931b192c00799771a957e4f2dabbaea291fa38f5ef2a9b86d4b371)

(instead of redefining the macros, one could also patch them, but given that changes need to be made a several different places, I think redefining makes it easier to see what's going on)

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