math add tag
Inline math formulae in a justified paragraph are stretched.

How to avoid it for any formula in the paragraph?


Some text with a justified formula
$a+b+c=d$. How don't\linebreak stretch it?

I thought to put it in a box
\makebox{$a+b+c=d$}, but it is not\linebreak
a general solution.

Top Answer
The following changes the definitions of `\(` and `\)` to always put braces around the complete expression. Pay attention to [@barbara beeton's comment](, this might not always look good. Also line breaking of inline maths doesn't work this way.

You still get the default behaviour if you use `$...$` for inline maths.



Some text with a justified formula
\(a+b+c=d\). How don't\linebreak stretch it?

Some text with a justified formula
$a+b+c=d$. How don't\linebreak stretch it?

I thought to put it in a box
\makebox{$a+b+c=d$}, but it is not\linebreak
a general solution.


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