tikz add tag
Why doesn't `anchor=north west` work here?

What am I doing wrong?


\node[draw] (first) {First node};
\node[draw, anchor=north west,
    below= of first.south east] {Why not correctly anchored?};

Top Answer
The reason is that the `below=of` syntax of the `positioning` library implicitly uses `anchor` for the positioning.

If you want to use `anchor` you have to use it after the `positioning` syntax, but generally you can reach the same result by using the correct positioning. For instance `[below=of <node>.south east, anchor=north west]` is the same as `[below right=of <node]`:


\node[draw] (first) {First node};
    below right= of first.south east] {Why not correctly anchored?};


If you want to move the node to start exactly below the east-edge of the first node you can either change the `node distance` (has to be used before the `positioning` keys):

\node[draw] (first) {First node};
\node[draw, node distance=1cm and 0pt
    ,below right= of first.south east] {Why not correctly anchored?};


Or you position the nodes manually (could as well use the `calc` library and the `\node at (<coordinate>)` syntax):

\node[draw] (first) {First node};
\path (first.east) ++(0,-1cm)
  node[draw, anchor=north west] {Why not correctly anchored?};


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