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Back in the days before TL2020 I've been using the `xcntperchap` package to get access to the number of subsections within each section. This was very useful for creating custom tocs in beamer, e.g. here a fancy example using a mindmap:



% total number of sections %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% number of subsections per section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% creating automatic label %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% based on

    grow cyclic,
    concept color=blue!50!black, 
    every node/.style={concept, scale=0.8},
    level 1/.style={%
        sibling angle=360/\thetotsection,
        level distance = 25mm,
        concept color=lime,
    level 2/.style={%
        level distance = 25mm,
        concept color=yellow,
        \node {\inserttitle}    [clockwise from=135] child 
        foreach \i in {1,...,\thetotsection}{%
                child foreach \j in {1,...,\thecurrentsub}{%
                    node {\hyperlink{subsec:\i:\j}{\nameref{subsec:\i:\j}}} 

\title{Some Title}


    \frametitle{"Table" of Contents}

\section{Section One}

\section{Section Two}

\subsection{subsection a}

\subsection{subsection b}

\subsection{subsection c}

\section{Section Three}

\section{Section Three}


However this quick hack no longer works with the current kernel, so I was wondering if there are any alternatives which would give me the number of subsections in each section?

Minimal (non-)working example:





% number of subsections per section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% creating automatic label %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% based on

\foreach \i in {1,...,\thetotsection}{%
    \nameref{sec:\i} (\thecurrentsub{} subsections)

\title{Some Title}



\section{Section One}

\section{Section Two}

\subsection{subsection a}

\subsection{subsection b}

\subsection{subsection c}

\section{Section Three}

\section{Section Three}

Top Answer
Phelype Oleinik
The issue is not _exactly_ in the kernel, but in the L3 programming layer.  `\c_zero` was deprecated a while back, because it's name doesn't follow the `expl3` naming conventions: it's an `int`, but it's missing the variable type (so we couldn't have a `\c_zero_fp`, for example).

Christian was very kind to fix most of his packages after this deprecation (even if not actively maintaining them anymore), but `xcntperchap` seems to have been forgotten.

To work around the issue you can, although not really recommended, use:
\cs_set_eq:NN \c_zero \c_zero_int
anywhere in your preamble to make `\c_zero` be the same as `\c_zero_int`.


For completeness, here's a full example (exactly the same as yours, with the lines above added):


% total number of sections %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


% number of subsections per section %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\ExplSyntaxOn % fix xcntperchap
\cs_set_eq:NN \c_zero \c_zero_int

% creating automatic label %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% based on

    grow cyclic,
    concept color=blue!50!black, 
    every node/.style={concept, scale=0.8},
    level 1/.style={%
        sibling angle=360/\thetotsection,
        level distance = 25mm,
        concept color=lime,
    level 2/.style={%
        level distance = 25mm,
        concept color=yellow,
        \node {\inserttitle}    [clockwise from=135] child 
        foreach \i in {1,...,\thetotsection}{%
                child foreach \j in {1,...,\thecurrentsub}{%
                    node {\hyperlink{subsec:\i:\j}{\nameref{subsec:\i:\j}}} 
\title{Some Title}


% \tracingall
    \frametitle{"Table" of Contents}

\section{Section One}

\section{Section Two}

\subsection{subsection a}

\subsection{subsection b}

\subsection{subsection c}

\section{Section Three}

\section{Section Three}


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