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Anonymous 2257
In this code
\renewenvironment{Soln}[1]{\par\bigskip\noindent{\bfseries \hypertarget{ex:#1}{}%
		\hyperlink{sol:#1}{ #1}}\quad}

		First exercise
			First solution.
		Second exercise
			Second solution.

How to color number of Exercises? 

Top Answer
You could define a new theorem style:


  { }%
  {\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ \textcolor{blue}{#2.}}\thmnote{ (#3)}}


\renewenvironment{Soln}[1]{\par\bigskip\noindent{\bfseries \hypertarget{ex:#1}{}%
		\hyperlink{sol:#1}{ #1}}\quad}

		First exercise
			First solution.
		Second exercise
			Second solution.

![Screenshot 2022-01-06 at 16.21.13.png](/image?hash=c5c6fb35cfb1d36fc5639e2972ec7c7860c1b5c2a2f19e5f8c56a8fce3d42ad5)

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