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**What I trying to get**

I am willing to centralize information for my chapters in an xls (csv).

**What is my pb ?**

Probably a problem of expansion when I try to include a graphic based on the address stored in my csv.


For each chapter (55 of them), I have for instance a mindmap and the final rendering looks like


The chapter long title, short title, the address of the mindmap are stored in the csv.

The Orientation Colorbox will be populated by the csv fields


1,01,Enjeux en finance de marché ,Enjeux,F:/NewOrga/TikZ/Mindmap/TikZOut/MMFinancialMarkets0.pdf,"\'Etayer les problématiques fréquemment rencontrées sur les marchés financiers. En comprendre les instruments et leurs relations"
2,02,Buy side ,BuySide,F:/NewOrga/TikZ/Mindmap/TikZOut/MMOrgaClients0.pdf,Problématiques des clients
3,03,Sell Side ,SellSide,F:/NewOrga/_chap/chap60/TikZ/TikZOut/BusinessOrgaSdm1.pdf,Problématiques des fournisseurs





I get to retrieve each field where index = 1

Chap : \myfld[Chap]{1}

short : \myfld[short]{1}

long : \myfld[long]{1}

objectif : \myfld[objectif]{1}

image : \myfld[image]{1}

But when I try :


it feels like the image address is not understood as such...

Top Answer
You're right, you can't access the database expandably because neither your definition of `\myfld` nor `\DTLfetch` are expandable.

Instead you can use a two step approach, first getting the value inside a macro which you can then use to include your image:


1,01,Enjeux en finance de marché ,Enjeux,example-image-a,"\'Etayer les problématiques fréquemment rencontrées sur les marchés financiers. En comprendre les instruments et leurs relations"
2,02,Buy side ,BuySide,example-image-b,Problématiques des clients
3,03,Sell Side ,SellSide,example-image-c,Problématiques des fournisseurs





I get to retrieve each field where index = 1

Chap : \myfld[Chap]{1}

short : \myfld[short]{1}

long : \myfld[long]{1}

objectif : \myfld[objectif]{1}

image : \myfld[image]{1}

But when I try :


it feels like the image address is not understood as such...


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