tikz add tag
Is is possible to do this with TikZ options, without using `\makebox[0pt]`?

    cerchio/.style = {
        draw, red, fill=yellow,
        text width=10pt,
        text centered
\node[cerchio]{\makebox[0pt]{a long node}};

Top Answer
Using `insert path` we can add things to the background of the node, and using a `pic` we can draw things with independent options. The following does exactly that:


     cerchio/.style={insert path={pic{cerchio}}}
    ,cerchio/.pic={\draw[red,fill=yellow] circle[radius=10pt];}

  \node[cerchio]{a long node};

Answer #2
Depending on the requirement for the circle which size is determined by the height/depth of `a long node` and the width `10pt`, here are some alternative approaches.


The closest would be `cerchioB` where the text is actually a label on top of the circle, though you need to change your syntax a bit (also doesn't allow verbatim text anymore):

\node[cerchioB=a long node];

You can now use that parameter for the label itself but also for the parent node and with `\vphantom` the circle has the same size as in your `\makebox` example


`cerchioA` places the circle as a label, getting the same size as in your example isn't trivial. (But maybe the size of the circle shouldn't be in relation to the text in the first place?)

I'm not a friend of `behind path` but if it's just a `\node` (and its label), it should be fine.


Lastly, `cerchioC` simply does basically the same as `\makebox[#1][c]` but with styles.

This will create a textbox of width `text width=10pt` with a box of width `#1` centered inside of it – just like `\makebox`.

Though, just like `\makebox` TikZ won't be able to adjust the bounding box of the picture to the text. (That's why I put those `\RULE`s around the pictures.)


Of course, you can do both as a `pic` which is what `cerchioD` does, the `pic` key helps so that the user can still use `\node`, unfortunately, the text needs to be given as part of the options again. (Though something like `pic {cerchio=a long node}` is possible, too.)

    execute at begin node=\hbox to#1\bgroup\hss,
    execute at end node=\hss\egroup},
  cerchio/.style = {
    draw=red, fill=yellow, circle, text=black,
    text width=10pt, text centered},
  cerchioA/.style = {
    path only, text=black, shape=rectangle,
    label={[draw=red, fill=yellow, behind path,
      shape=circle, text width=10pt, anchor=center]center:}},
    draw=red, fill=yellow, shape=circle, text width=10pt,
    node contents=\vphantom{#1},
    label={[path only, text=black, shape=rectangle, anchor=center]center:{#1}}},
    draw=red, fill=yellow, shape=circle, text width=10pt, text centered,
    makebox=0pt}, % or makebox=10pt
  pic/.is if=tikz@node@is@pic, % allows turning a node into a pic
  cerchioD/.style={pic, pic text={#1}, pic type=cerchio},
    \path[draw=red, fill=yellow] circle[radius=10pt+.3333em]; % roughly
    \node[path only, shape=rectangle] {\tikzpictext};}}

  \node[cerchio]{\makebox[0pt]{a long node}};%

\tikz % node is circle, label is rectangle (text)
  \node[cerchioA]{a long node};%

\tikz % node is rectangle (text), label is circle
  \node[cerchioB=a long node];%

\tikz % node is circle, text box contains makebox
  \node[cerchioC]{a long node};%

\tikz % it's actually a pic
  \node[cerchioD=a long node];%

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