Miguel Huaylla
I am researching about Efimov's theorem, to illustrate what is being worked I need graphs this:

the elliptical cylinder must have as its center (x,-1/3,0), in this way the cylinder must be parallel to the x axis. Where the planes are tangent to the cylinder and seen in the yz-plane, we have something like this

I'm aware that I do not know much about making graphics in Latex but I have tried Asymptote and Tikz but I have not achieved anything, I would appreciate someone to help me.
My attempt I did it in http://asymptote.ualberta.ca/ :
settings.render = 8;
size(10cm, 0);
import three;
import solids;
currentprojection = orthographic(2,0.5,1);
draw(unitsphere, gray + opacity(0.7));
triple v=(-1/2,-1,0);
real r=0.25;
real h=3;
triple axis=X+Y;
surface cylinder=shift(v)*align(unit(axis))*scale(r,r,h)*unitcylinder;
revolution r=cylinder(v,r,h,axis);