tikz add tag
I stumbled over this while working on transparent shadows for the [smoothbars outer beamer theme](https://github.com/josephwright/beamer/issues/717) and am wondering why does the fading in the following MWE only stretch over half the space? If I change the scaling factor to `2` it will exactly fill it, but why is this necessary?







Top Answer
I think the behaviour is explained in this comment by @muzimuzhi

> Since `fit fading=false` is set, the fading area is not shifted nor scaled to fit the current path. It is just centered at `(0,0)`. Manually adding the needed shifting `fading transform={xshift=-.5,yshift=.5}` seems to fix the problem.
> But I don't understand the behavior when `fit fading=false` is removed.

(form  https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/978#issuecomment-757384587 )

So in reality my fading is scaled perfectly, I just choose my coordinates in such an unfortunate way that half the shape was cut off. Modifying my code to show a larger section shows that the shading is indeed perfectly positioned at (0,0) and does has the correct size of 3 cm times 1 ex:








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