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**My question**

How to hide `subitem` in a `list` in `beamer`?


I like to keep my slides with minimal text and maximum graphs.

Lists are boring on presentations. I'd like to display only the main ideas (`level 1` of my `list`) and display the complete `list` in `article` mode.


![Capture d’écran 2021-09-23 101145.png](/image?hash=86a991806f890a427f70351f77ba1714642de6c0a76c1c54ccb7593744ad7de3)




			label = \textcolor{red}{\arabic*.},
			font  = \bfseries,
			before = \bfseries
			font = \normalfont,
			before = \normalfont,
		\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate body}{series=\bfseries}
        %\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody}{}
		\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate subbody}{series=\normalfont}


			\item level 1
			      	\item level 2
			      	\item level 2
			\item level 1
			      	\item level 2
			      	\item level 2

Top Answer
You can hide the itemize environments from beamer mode with `\begin{itemize}[<beamer:only@0>]`.


- just to be on the safe side and not accidentally load `enumitem` with beamer: warp it in `\mode<article>{\usepackage{enumitem}}`

- you don't need to load `xcolor`. Unless you use the `noxcolor` option, beamerarticle will load the package automatically



			label = \textcolor{red}{\arabic*.},
			font  = \bfseries,
			before = \bfseries
			font = \normalfont,
			before = \normalfont,
		\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate body}{series=\bfseries}
        %\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody}{}
		\setbeamerfont{itemize/enumerate subbody}{series=\normalfont}


			\item level 1
              	\item level 2
              	\item level 2
			\item level 1
              	\item level 2
              	\item level 2


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