listings add tag
I  am using the following code to typeset Python

  headings = block-subtitle ,
  subtitle-format = \bfseries % default is \itshape

% Default fixed font does not support bold face
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttb}{T1}{txtt}{bx}{n}{12} % for bold
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttm}{T1}{txtt}{m}{n}{12}  % for normal

% Custom colors


% Python style for highlighting
		otherkeywords={self},             % Add keywords here
		emph={MyClass,__init__},          % Custom highlighting
		emphstyle=\ttb\color{deepred},    % Custom highlighting style
		frame=tb,                         % Any extra options here
		showstringspaces=false            % 
% Python environment

  pre=Do something, 
# Some interesting comments that are enlightening.
print("Hello world!")


I don't like the way to comments look. The font is in italics and the letters are spread too far apart. It looks like it is a math formula or similar rather than comments in Englsh. What is the right way to do this?
Top Answer
You can adjust the style of the comments via `commentstyle={...}`. Which font style you use is really just a matter of taste. For my own projects I normally use `\slshape`, this looks less mathy than real italics but is still easily distinguishable from the surrounding font.

The space between the letters depends on your `column` style. If you don't want the letters to be shown in a regular grid (which will mean larger spaces for some characters), you can try `columns=fullflexible`.

  headings = block-subtitle ,
  subtitle-format = \bfseries % default is \itshape

% Default fixed font does not support bold face
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttb}{T1}{txtt}{bx}{n}{12} % for bold
\DeclareFixedFont{\ttm}{T1}{txtt}{m}{n}{12}  % for normal

% Custom colors


% Python style for highlighting
		otherkeywords={self},             % Add keywords here
		emph={MyClass,__init__},          % Custom highlighting
		emphstyle=\ttb\color{deepred},    % Custom highlighting style
		frame=tb,                         % Any extra options here
		showstringspaces=false,            % 
% Python environment

  pre=Do something, 
# Some interesting comments that are enlightening.
print("Hello world!")


![Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 17.12.06.png](/image?hash=8ea75a7b6cb31cb4fd1835c72e3e312447fa9c92f2680cb6037ed06c726f9ca3)

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