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Anonymous 1123
[This question]( asked five days ago, and there is no answer. I cannot answer this question. How can to draw it? 
Top Answer
user 3.14159
This is not really an answer because I think what the OP wants is dangerous. One *can* make it work, but I do not recommend to put the axis in scope of a plane of the `3d` library. Such constructions are fragile, to see this try e.g. to introduce layers. What might be useful, though, is the `get xy window` key which I more or less copied from [here]( This allows you to avoid the `calc` methods the OP is using.
\pgfplotsset{get xy window/.code={\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu}%
\pgfplotsset{draw xy background/.style={%
	execute at begin axis={\pgfplotsset{get xy window}%
	\draw[window background] foreach \X in {\myxmineff,\myxminnext,...,\myxmax}
	{(axis cs:\X,\myymin) -- ++ 
	(axis direction cs:\myymax-\myymin,\myymax-\myymin)};
\tikzset{window background/.style={thin}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,line cap=round]
	\begin{axis}[axis equal, xmin=-.5, xmax=4.5, ymin=-.5, ymax=4.5,
		draw xy background]
		\addplot[black, opacity=0.5,smooth] {(x-3)^2};

\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round,line cap=round]
   canvas is yx plane at z=0
	\begin{axis}[axis equal, xmin=-.5, xmax=4.5, ymin=-.5, ymax=4.5,
		draw xy background]
		\addplot[black, opacity=0.5,smooth] {(x-3)^2};

![Screen Shot 2021-06-15 at 11.43.14 PM.png](/image?hash=e47f2433b2845ddd84f9e13ce6b2ba00a0df31f8f0d6fe4a10d2e806b9577bf0)

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