I recently uploaded v0.3 of package [`marathi`](https://ctan.org/pkg/marathi) in which I have used the command `\@ifpackageloaded` for checking if package `csquotes` is loaded or not. In the source file of the package that particular code can be seen on [line no. 404-409](https://gitlab.com/niruvt/marathi/-/blob/master/marathi/marathi.dtx#L404-409). I expect the following code to work now, but it seems not to work. (Thanks @samcarter for a slightly better MWE.)
What is exactly wrong? My code or my expectation? :joy:
Top Answer
`csquotes` is one of the packages which need to be loaded before `\AtBeginDocument`. Instead you could use the `etoolbox` package and load it at the end of the preamble (csquotes would anyway load etoolbox, so no real disadvantage from loading it):
or for usage in your package:
Answer #2
With a recent LaTeX version we got hooks built into LaTeX. This interface is accessible via the macro `\AddToHook` (which current versions of `etoolbox` will use as well).
The hooks allow some ordering by rules (to get better compatibility between packages independent on load-order for example), but most of the time it is enough to use the correct hook with `\AddToHook`.
To use some code at the end of the preamble (but before the real effects of `\begin{document}` take action) one can use the hook `begindocument/before`.
With this interface there are three spots to hook into during `\begin{document}`, those are:
- `begindocument/before`: this is at the end of the preamble (but still part of the preamble)
- `begindocument`: this is inside `\begin{document}` (don't load packages here, and don't include typeset material here, other setup code is fine)
- `begindocument/after`: this is right at the start of the document (put typeset material here)
The documentation of the new hook mechanism can be accesed via `texdoc lthooks-doc`. However there are a few more hooks which are documented elsewhere:
- `texdoc ltfilehook-doc` (hooks for files)
- `texdoc ltshipout-doc` (hooks for the shipout routine)