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See this example -

\ProvidesPackage{test}[2021-06-10 v0.1 Test package]


This currently returns bar in the output document. I want a mechanism with this package which can preset `\foo` to foobar **when option foo is not used**. Currently I have two alternatives -

1. `\usepackage[foo]{test}`; where `\foo` will output `foo`
2. `\usepackage[foo=bar]{test}` where `\foo` will output `bar`

I want a third alternative which is `\usepackage{test}` where `\foo` shall output `foobar`. How to do it?
Top Answer
You could put in a default definition for `\foo` and then overwrite this if the package option is used:


\ProvidesPackage{test}[2021-06-10 v0.1 Test package]

%\usepackage[foo=bar]{test} % -> bar
%\usepackage[foo]{test} % -> foo
%\usepackage[]{test} % -> foobar
\usepackage{test} % -> foobar


(Thanks @Skillmon for the optimisation with `\def`)
Answer #2
Another option (though inferior to [@samcarter's answer]( could be to define a macro in the option, and after parsing the option list checking whether the macro is really defined (in LaTeX the macro `\providecommand` does that, check whether a macro is defined, and if it isn't sets the definition you provide there).

\ProvidesPackage{test}[2021-06-10 v0.1 Test package]



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