beamer add tag
Sebastian Thomas (imported from SE)
In a beamer presentation, when I work with blocks in columns, LaTeX seems to add some additional vertical space before the title of the first block. How can I avoid this behaviour?

A minimal working example:

    \begin{frame}{Frame without columns}
      \begin{block}{Just a block}
    \begin{frame}{Frame with columns}
      \begin{columns}[t, onlytextwidth]
          \begin{block}{A block in a columns area}

[![enter image description here][1]][1]
[![enter image description here][2]][2]

Top Answer
samcarter (imported from SE)
Beamer add this space for non-text elements (blocks, itemize, ...) at the top of columns. To undo this, you can add a negative space: 

    \begin{frame}{Frame without columns}
      \begin{block}{Just a block}
    \begin{frame}{Frame with columns}
      \begin{columns}[t, onlytextwidth]
          \begin{block}{A block in a columns area}

[![enter image description here][1]][1]


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