add tag
**My question**

The same way it's often (always?) a good idea to turn a `table` into a graph, I'd like to be able to simply turn (long) lists into `mindmaps` by wrapping these lists into a `mymindmap` environment.



vs same content in this long nested list (I could have splitted into 3 frames, but for the sake of the example, I left it as a long list).



**Context and previous building blocks**

Long `itemize` and `enumerate` are boring, especially on `beamer`. 

Mindmaps are great, but I find them difficult to include cause of the nested `{}` that take some time to debug.

1. Thanks to this (canonical IMO) [answer](, the organization of mindmaps is automatically handled and leads to regular growing cycle, easy to parameter with `pgfkeys`.

2. Thanks to [this answer](, it's easy to create your own style for the mindmap.

% Style of the mindmap
\tikzset{mymmstyle/.style 2 args={
	text width=1.5cm,
	align=flush center,
	Julien growth,
	mmap/overall rotation=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/rotation},
	mmap/sign	= 1,
	mmap/name	= semicirc,	%<- you need unique names if you want to use several mindmaps
	every node/.style={
		circular drop shadow, 
		execute at begin node=\hskip0pt,
	node font=\sffamily,
	concept color=#1,
	root concept/.append style={
		ball color=#1, 
		line width=1.5ex,
		minimum size=3.25cm, 
		text width=3.25cm
	level 1/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 1},%
		minimum size=2.5cm,%
		text width=2.0cm, 
		fill= #1!70,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(1)-1),1)}
	level 2/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 2},%
		minimum size=1.5cm,%
		text width=1.5cm, 
		fill= #1!50,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(2)-1),1)}
	level 3/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 3},
		minimum size=1.5cm,
		text width=1.5cm, 
		fill= #1!30,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(3)-1),1)},
		offset angle=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/offset level 3}
	level 4/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 4},
		minimum size=1cm,
		text width=1cm, 
		fill= #1!30,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(4)-1),1)},
		offset angle=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/offset level 4}

**What could this environment look like ?**

To turn lists into mindmaps, I'd like to create a simple `environment` that could (open to any alternative) look like this

\begin{mymindmap}[mymmstyle={node color}{text color}]{Root concept}
% easy to comment/uncomment

	\item level 1
	      	\item level 2
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	\item level 2
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	\item level 2
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	\item Pricing
	      	\item level 2
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	\item level 2
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	\item level 2
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3
	      	      	\item level 3





\definecolor{myuniversity}{RGB}{36, 0, 132}	

% GrowCycle
% Till level 5
\immediate\write\@mainaux{\string\expandafter\xdef\noexpand\csname pgfk@/tikz/mmap/\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/name}/#1\string\endcsname{#2}}}%
\ifcsname pgfk@/tikz/mmap/\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/name}/#1\endcsname
\edef#2{\csname pgfk@/tikz/mmap/\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/name}/#1\endcsname}%
\tikzset{Julien growth/.style={%
	growth function=\tikz@grow@Julien,
	mmap/initialize counts,
	/tikz/execute at end scope={%
	initialize counts/.code={\global\tikzcountchildi=0%

	\pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall xshift}}%
		{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall yshift}}}%
		\pgfmathsetmacro{\pgfutil@tempb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall rotation}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/offset angle}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle}*\tikzcountchildi}%
		\global\advance\tikzcountchildi by1\relax%
		\pgfmathsetmacro{\pgfutil@tempb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall rotation}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/offset angle}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle}*\tikzcountchildii}%
		\global\advance\tikzcountchildii by1\relax%
		\pgfmathsetmacro{\pgfutil@tempb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall rotation}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/offset angle}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle}*\tikzcountchildiii}%
		\global\advance\tikzcountchildiii by1\relax%
		\pgfmathsetmacro{\pgfutil@tempb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall rotation}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/offset angle}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle}*\tikzcountchildiv}%
		\global\advance\tikzcountchildiv by1\relax%
		\pgfmathsetmacro{\pgfutil@tempb}{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/overall rotation}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/offset angle}%
			+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/sign}*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle}*\tikzcountchildv}%
		\global\advance\tikzcountchildv by1\relax%
		rotation=\pgfutil@tempb,sibling angle=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/sibling angle}}%
    overall rotation/.initial 	= 0,
    overall xshift/.initial 	= 0pt,
    overall yshift/.initial 	= 0pt,
    sign/.initial 				= 1,				
    child weight/.initial 		= 0.5,		
    rotation/.initial 			= 0.5,
    shape angle/.initial 		= 180,		
    distance to 1/.initial 		= 4.5cm,		
    distance to 2/.initial 		= 7.5cm,		
    distance to 3/.initial 		= 10cm,		
    distance to 4/.initial 		= 12cm,		
    distance to 5/.initial 		= 14cm,		
    offset level 3/.initial 	= 0,		
	offset angle/.initial=0, 
    Xshift/.style={xshift=#1,mmap/overall xshift=#1},
    Yshift/.style={yshift=#1,mmap/overall yshift=#1},
%    branch color/.style={
%        concept color=#1!80,
%        ball color=#1!50,
%        every child/.append style={concept color=#1!50},
%    },

% Style of the mindmap
\tikzset{mymmstyle/.style 2 args={
	text width=1.5cm,
	align=flush center,
	Julien growth,
	mmap/overall rotation=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/rotation},
	mmap/sign	= 1,
	mmap/name	= semicirc,	%<- you need unique names if you want to use several mindmaps
	every node/.style={
		circular drop shadow, 
		execute at begin node=\hskip0pt,
	node font=\sffamily,
	concept color=#1,
	root concept/.append style={
		ball color=#1, 
		line width=1.5ex,
		minimum size=3.25cm, 
		text width=3.25cm
	level 1/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 1},%
		minimum size=2.5cm,%
		text width=2.0cm, 
		fill= #1!70,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(1)-1),1)}
	level 2/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 2},%
		minimum size=1.5cm,%
		text width=1.5cm, 
		fill= #1!50,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(2)-1),1)}
	level 3/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 3},
		minimum size=1.5cm,
		text width=1.5cm, 
		fill= #1!30,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(3)-1),1)},
		offset angle=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/offset level 3}
	level 4/.style={%
		level distance=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/distance to 4},
		minimum size=1cm,
		text width=1cm, 
		fill= #1!30,
		sibling angle/.evaluated={\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/shape angle}/max((MMapNodesAtLevel(4)-1),1)},
		offset angle=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/mmap/offset level 4}

%%	\begin{scope}[#1]	
%%	\input{#2}
%%	\end{scope}


	\frametitle{Audience catching mindmap}

				\node[root concept] {Root} 
				child {node {level 1}
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}				
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}
				child {node {level 1}
					child {node {level 2}}
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}		
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}		
				child {node {level 1}
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}
						child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 2}
						child {node {level 3}}    
						child {node {level 3}}    

	\frametitle{Audience killer list}
		\item level 1
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3 
		      	      	\item level 3 
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3 
		      	      	\item level 3 
		      	      	\item level 3 
		\item level 1
		      	\item level 2
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3
		\item level 1
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	\item level 2
		      	      	\item level 3
		      	      	\item level 3


Top Answer
user 3.14159
This is not an answer to the question in the strict sense, but a suggestion to try an alternative approach. Rather than trying to convert a bunch of `itemize` environments and `\item`s into a mindmap one can convert the contents of a mindmap to other formats, such as `itemize`d lists. IMHO the Ti*k*Z approach is cleaner in that it specifies the relations and hierarchies, and allows the user to control the details via keys. Although I did not try this out explicitly, I'd think that one could then convert the same input to other formats such as `forest` trees.

Since the codes shown here are already extensive, I just show a basic example. The parser is shamelessly stolen from the `calc` library of Ti*k*Z, one could also use the parser of the `\path` command if one wants to make it a bit richer. 
% Ok, we found the end... 
{\pgfutil@ifnextchar c{% 
% Ok, we found a child
\pgfutil@ifnextchar n{% 
% Ok, we found a node
\long\def\pgf@itemize@n node#1{% 
\item #1%
\long\def\pgf@itemize@c child#1{% 
			child {node {level 1}
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}				
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}
			child {node {level 1}
				child {node {level 2}}
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}		
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}		
			child {node {level 1}
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level 3}}
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level 3}}
					child {node {level $2+1$}}
				child {node {level 2}
					child {node {level \textbf{3}}}    
					child {node {level \pgfmathparse{3}\pgfmathresult}}    
![Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 1.02.52 PM.png](/image?hash=5459a70e939305670e675666d2cacffbd6db1e8e6c7a09e5a29be3eb7782fd15)
As you can see, you only have to sandwich the contents of the mindmap in 
to get the list. Notice that in the end I added "non-expandable" commands to show that this is at least somewhat robust.

In general I'd think that allowing for such arguably more "semantic" input may make a lot of sense when dealing with documents that may eventually become parts of, say, `beamer` presentations.

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