The reason why the circle is incorrect is that the code uses rounded values. On the other hand, the radius `r` of the circle is computed via
r=sqrt(R^2-d^2) ,
where `R` is the radius of the sphere and `d` is the distance of the center of the circle from the center of the sphere. If we compute the sensitivity of `r` on `d`, we need to compute the derivative of `r` w.r.t. `d` (which, among other things, also illustrates why it makes a lot of sense to distinguish differential `d`s typographically from variables `d`), we see that
r'=-d/sqrt(R^2-d^2) .
That is, if `d` is very close to `R`, then a tiny error in `d` can give you a very wrong radius.
This is confirmed with `3dtools`, with which it is rather easy to construct the circle. All we need to do is to compute two angles, `alpha` and `beta`, and to install local coordinate systems on the circles. The details are in the comments of the following code.
\begin{tikzpicture}[3d/install view={phi=110,theta=70},
line cap=butt,line join=round,c/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt},
declare function={rs=2;rc=1;d=sqrt(rs*rs-rc*rc);a=sqrt(2);
% alpha is just the latitude angle of O_2 and O_3
% the beta angle emerges from the requirement that O--O_2 and
% O--O_3 enclose an angle of 2*alpha
(0,0,0) coordinate (O)
(0,0,d) coordinate (O_1)
({d*cos(alpha)},0,{d*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (O_2)
({d*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)},{d*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)},{d*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (O_3);
% basis vectors for circle 2
% basis vectors for circle 3
\path[3d coordinate/.list={%
(O)pic[draw=none]{3d circle through 3 points={A={(T_1)},B={(T_2)},C={(T_3)},
center name=O_4}};
\draw[3d/screen coords] (O) circle[radius=rs];
\typeout{O_4=(\myM), r=\myr}
\path foreach \X in {1,2,3,4}
{ (O)pic{3d/circle on sphere={R=rs,C={(O)},P={(O_\X)}}}};
\path foreach \p/\g in {O/-90,O_1/90,O_2/0,O_3/0,T_1/90,T_2/-135,T_3/-45}{
(\p)node[c,label={[font=\tiny,label distance=0pt,inner sep=0pt]\g:{$\p$}}]{}};
![Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 6.50.35 PM.png](/image?hash=8848e89a35c1a671cbd2478a62f7b26135be55df15ab95b7da2939a8bdfad64d)
This code gets `O_4=(0.93881,0.66382,1.62599)`. The corresponding distances are
1.99623 for your input and 1.99145 for the 3dtools result,
and the resulting radii are
0.122701 for your input and 0.184757 for the 3dtools result,
respectively. As you can see, an error of about 0.25% at the level of the distance translates into a 50% error at the level of the radius. This is why the circle produced in the code you posted is incorrect.
`3dtools` uses `fpu` to counter such effects. There is no guarantee that this is always sufficient, but at least in this case it is. (It wouldn't be too difficult to use `xfp` instead because all the computations in the package yield dimensionless results. Replacing `fpu` by `xfp` blindly, however, will lead to major problems that manifest only in certain scenarios, which are, however, widely used.)
The above code is already general, i.e. can be used for various `rc`. (Of course, if the radius `rc` becomes too large, three circles will no longer fit on the sphere while touching each other only once, and then the code does not work any more.)
\foreach \rc in {1,1.1,...,3.4,3.3,3.2,...,1.1}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[3d/install view={phi=110,theta=70},
line cap=butt,line join=round,c/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt},
declare function={rs=4;rc=\rc;d=sqrt(rs*rs-rc*rc);
% alpha is just the latitude angle of O_2 and O_3
% the beta angle emerges from the requirement that O--O_2 and
% O--O_3 enclose an angle of 2*atan2(rc,d)
(0,0,0) coordinate (O)
(0,0,d) coordinate (O_1)
({d*cos(alpha)},0,{d*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (O_2)
({d*cos(alpha)*cos(beta)},{d*cos(alpha)*sin(beta)},{d*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (O_3)
% basis vectors for circle 2
% basis vectors for circle 3
\path[3d coordinate/.list={%
(O)pic[draw=none]{3d circle through 3 points={A={(T_1)},B={(T_2)},C={(T_3)},
center name=O_4}};
\draw[3d/screen coords] (O) circle[radius=rs];
\path foreach \X in {1,2,3,4}
{ (O)pic{3d/circle on sphere={R=rs,C={(O)},P={(O_\X)}}}};