Tejas Shetty
I tried this [Master project maintenance](https://www.overleaf.com/help/226-can-i-share-files\
-e-dot-g-bib-and-some-graphics-across-my-projects.W5qHGd0zbCI). But unfortunately, it just seems too difficult to maintain.
So my current workflow gets like this
* I think of adding a new paper to the reference list in a particular project
* I try to check out if there is a BibTeX entry for that particular paper in a bib file stored in a master project on Overleaf
* If yes, it would also be in the bib file in my particular project(Since they are [synced](https://www.overleaf.com/help/226-can-i-share-files\
* If not, I go to Google Scholar and search for the paper and download or copy the BibTeX entry.
* Then I edit the bib label to get it to the format "first author year first word of the title". For example
author = {Paola Cappellaro},
year = {2012},
month = {Fall},
title = {Quantum Theory of Radiation Interactions},
subtitle = {22.51},
url = {https://ocw.mit.edu},
organization = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare},
addendum = {License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA}
Sometimes, I am lucky and it already is in this format.
* I add this BibTeX entry to the bib file on the main project.
* I get the particular project's bib file to sync with the one on the Master project.
Now, one will wonder why I don't use Mendeley, Zotero, etc. I tried many times to use them. But I really like to read my papers after printing them. I only read a few papers (around 3 per year) in full detail. maybe I uploaded too many papers to be scanned by Mendeley. All in all, It just became too unmanageable. Maybe I just did it in the wrong way?
Top Answer
Tejas Shetty
Received this answer from Dan MacKinnon (Overleaf Product Specialist)
Hi Tejas,
Maintaining a project for your bibliography, and then sharing this with other projects is generally a good practice, but I can appreciate how your large bibliography project can become hard to manage.
Here's some advice that may help make this more manageable.
In your "master bibliography" project, include a .tex file that prints out the whole bibliography (using \nocite{*}) in an organized way. This allows you to (1) ensure that your bib entries are compilable, and (2) provides you with an easier to read reference.
In this example of a master bibliography, I've done a few things to help: https://www.overleaf.com/read/tmgbwgmyvjgn
1. I used bibLaTeX, because this allows for easy sorting options.
You can do this even if you don't use bibLaTeX in the projects that ultimately use the bibliography, or you can adapt the approach described here to use natbib or bibTeX instead.
An example of the sorting you can do with bibLaTeX is
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc, type=book, title={Books}]
This just prints out the books in the bibliography, based on the "type=book". The option bibintoc, makes sure that the reference list is added to the table of contents at the start of my document.
See here: https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Bibliography_management_with_biblatex
2. You can split up your .bib files logically within your master bib project.
In this case I've separated out "technology" citations, but in principle you could break up your bib in whatever logical way makes sense.
I find that this helps keep the "master bibliography" manageable. You may identify some other ways of organizing things that are helpful to you.
There are a few tricks required in this approach if you want to be sure you are printing everything. For example, if you want to print out more than one type in a group you may want to define a "bibfilter" that covers it. You may also need to be aware of some odd behaviour - the APA biblatex processes "incollection" as "inbook", so you will see that is what is used as the "type" in this example.
If you try this approach, you may need to check out relevant posts on Stack Exchange to help with problems that you run into, or read the documentation on your particular choice of bibliography management software.
With this kind of approach, you can manage your bibliography directly in an Overleaf project, rather than using separate reference management software.
You may want to view the "Working with Bibliographies" webinar recording here: https://www.overleaf.com/events/webinars, or check out the other bibliography related help pages on our website: https://www.overleaf.com/learn.
Hope this helps.
Answer #2
Tejas Shetty
**Advice from Overleaf**
One convenient way to set this up if you’re planning to use the same files across multiple projects is to organize things as follows:
- Create a “master” project containing your common files e.g. .bib, .cls, .sty, graphics, etc.
- In your “child” projects, click the “Add file” button at the top of the project side bar.
- Select “File from other project”, and navigate to your “master” project, and select the file that you need.
- You will now be able to use the linked file in your “child” project.
If you’ve modified the original copy of the files in the “master” project,remember to right-click on the linked .bib in the “child” projects and then“Refresh” (or click on the file and click on the Refresh button in the file preview that appears), to pull in the changes.
[Can I share files (e.g. .bib and some graphics) across my projects?](https://www.overleaf.com/help/226-can-i-share-files-e-dot-g-bib-and-some-graphics-across-my-projects.W5qHGd0zbCI)
Let's call our master bib file *yashraj.bib*.
**How to use Use**
Whenever you need to include a reference in your article,
- Go to yashraj.bib.
- Press command + F or Ctrl + F to find the article corresponding to your search string.
- If found, copy the bib label.
- In your project refresh yashraj.bib and use it in the cite command.
- If this fails see the reference list in the PDF of this project and see if you hit upon anything.
You may download it and do the same press command +F or Ctrl + F thing.
All entries are arranged alphabetically according to the author in the PDF.
**How to Maintain**
Before adding a bibentry search it in yashraj.bib, etc as above to see if it already exists.
To add a bibliographic entry to this project
- Search it on web (e.g google, etc) and copy bibtex information from google scholar, semantic scholar, etc. or from [Well-maintained BibTeX Databases](https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/131917/129388)
- check the entry for the most common errors [software-generated-bibliographic-entries-common-errors-and-other-mistakes-to-check](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/386053/software-generated-bibliographic-entries-common-errors-and-other-mistakes-to-ch) (thanks @samcarter)
- Add the biblabel to the table. The biblabel must be of the format firstauthoryearfirstwordoftitle or more easily first author year first word of the title. Example paola2012quantum.
- Recompile this project whenever you add a bib entry.
- Convert the month to a no. For example dec is converted to 12
- Fix errors as soon as they appear.