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Juan Camilo
I'm using `\usepackage[spanish]{babel}
\usepackage{natbib}` as packages for the cites but if there's more than three authors in a cite, for instance the output is "(Guillermo y cols., 2019)". How can I change the "y cols." for "et al."?.
Top Answer
Phelype Oleinik
`apacite` uses specific commands for localisation (in the file `spanish.apc` loaded at `\AtBeginDocument`) so you can just redefine them by adding this to your preamble after loading `apacite`:
  \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
  \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%

> ![test.png](/image?hash=823d4a31d9c0b41c6aad2408fe271ec1b1b9de2aee33deaba32594e42f525e9a)

Compilable example:

  \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%
  \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{et al.\hbox{}}%

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