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Anonymous 1123
I use `3dtools` to draw a cube. I tried
	\begin{tikzpicture}[3d/install view={phi=70,theta=70},line cap=butt,line join=round,c/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt},
		declare function={a=3;}] 
		(a,-a,-a) coordinate (A)
		(a,a,-a) coordinate (B)
		(-a,a,-a) coordinate (C)
		(-a,-a,-a) coordinate (D)
		(a,-a,a) coordinate (E)
		(a,a,a) coordinate (F)
		(-a,a,a) coordinate (G)
		(-a,-a,a) coordinate (H)
		(0,0,0)  coordinate (O)
	back/.style={3d/polyhedron/complete dashes,fill=none},
	fore/.style={3d/visible,fill=none},draw face with corners={{(B)},{(C)},{(G)},{(F)}},
	draw face with corners={{(D)},{(C)},{(G)},{(H)}},
		draw face with corners={{(E)},{(F)},{(G)},{(H)}},
			draw face with corners={{(A)},{(B)},{(C)},{(D)}},
			draw face with corners={{(A)},{(B)},{(F)},{(E)}},
			draw face with corners={{(A)},{(E)},{(H)},{(D)}}
%\path foreach \p/\g in {A/-90,B/90,C/0,D/0,E/0,F/0,G/0,H/0}{(\p)node[c]{}+(\g:2.5mm) node{$\p$}};	
![ScreenHunter 148.png](/image?hash=ff1a8d347e49542d6a7dc2fbffdfd15358eac4b36a8fe5abdc5d05e1ec99a9fd)

From the internet, I see this picture
![ScreenHunter 147.png](/image?hash=b240947c8a469f48382ba7ad4156be5fbb9ba392c2ca8a999532e162347c2cfd)

Is this  an orthonormal projection of a cube? What is a nice way to draw a cube?
Top Answer
user 3.14159
The projection you depict is not orthographic, and hence cannot be obtained with `3d/install view`. I recycle the proof of the first statement from [here]( You can still use `3dtools` to draw the cube, but this amounts to either being lucky of defining your own function for the screen depth. In this case we are lucky, but I show nevertheless how to override the `screendepth` function.
You wish to have a coordinate system that 
 \item preserves shapes and\label{preserve}
 \item has $\vec e_y$ point east, $\vec e_z$ point north and $\vec e_x$ point
 south west.\label{directions}
The first requirement means that the coordinate axes are orthogonal,
 \vec e_x\cdot \vec e_y=\vec e_x\cdot \vec e_z=\vec e_y\cdot \vec e_z
So we wish to find a two--dimensional projection of these vectors that fulfill
the requirement \ref{directions}. Decompose the vectors in two--dimensional
projections on the paper plane $\vec e_i^{(\|)}$ and the orthogonal complements
$\vec e_i^{(\perp)}$. Clearly, the $\vec e_i^{(\perp)}$ are just
one--dimensional objects, which we will just call $e_i^{(\perp)}$. Requirement \ref{directions} implies that
 \vec e_x^{(\|)} \cdot \vec e_y^{(\|)}=
\vec e_x^{(\|)} \cdot \vec e_z^{(\|)}=:\xi\ne0\;.
Due to the orthogonality relations \eqref{eq:orthogonality}, this means that
 e_x^{(\perp)} \cdot e_y^{(\perp)}=
 e_x^{(\perp)} \cdot e_z^{(\perp)}=-\xi\ne0\;.
None of the $e_i^{(\perp)}$ may vanish as otherwise there won't be an $x$--axis,
However, requirement \ref{directions} 
implies that $\vec e_y^{(\|)} \cdot \vec e_z^{(\|)}=0$, so
 \vec e_y\cdot \vec e_z=\vec e_y^{(\|)} \cdot \vec e_z^{(\|)}
 +e_y^{(\perp)} \cdot e_z^{(\perp)}=0+\left(\frac{\xi}{e_x^{(\perp)}}\right)^2
 \ne0\;.\qquad \text{\Huge\Lightning}
Having seen that the desired projection is not orthonormal, one may ask whether
it is possible to use \texttt{3dtools} for such projections. The answer is that
this is in principle possible. You can define your own \texttt{screendepth}
function, in this very case this is not even necessary. However, in general it
won't be easy to guess an appropriate fuction.

  \path foreach \Xa/\Ya in {-1/A,1/B}
   {foreach \Xb/\Yb in {-1/A,1/B}
   {foreach \Xc/\Yc in {-1/A,1/B}
   {(\Xa,\Xb,\Xc) coordinate (\Ya\Yb\Yc)}}} ;
 		 fore/.append style={fill opacity=0.5},
		 edges have complete dashes,
		 draw face with corners={{(AAA)},{(AAB)},{(ABB)},{(ABA)}},
		 draw face with corners={{(AAA)},{(AAB)},{(BAB)},{(BAA)}},
		 draw face with corners={{(AAA)},{(BAA)},{(BBA)},{(ABA)}},
		 draw face with corners={{(BAA)},{(BAB)},{(BBB)},{(BBA)}},
		 draw face with corners={{(ABA)},{(ABB)},{(BBB)},{(BBA)}},
		 draw face with corners={{(AAB)},{(BAB)},{(BBB)},{(ABB)}}}
![Screen Shot 2021-05-11 at 8.10.34 PM.png](/image?hash=b36d9680e38fff092e398fdb96c78cc6cc92f9b10a9f1ada179f7b241860e551)

However, when using this projection, then it is no longer clear how to rotate the cube, etc. This projection can still be useful for sketches.

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