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Anonymous 1679
I am new in TikZ,I do not how to start to draw thispicture
![ScreenHunter_395 May. 06 13.47.jpg](/image?hash=dcc1781dbf79a051e569fe44428c016c88ecd2842eb2a5300cb6fd59398249b3) 
How to draw it?
Top Answer
user 3.14159
You can use the `3dtools` library, which you need to download separately from [its GitHub site]( It has a couple of features which can make it easier to distinguish between visible and hidden stretches, and comes with a number of predefined pics such as cones. So, for a fixed view one might simply do
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,
	dot/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt}]
  \begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=30,theta=70}]
   \path (0,0,0) coordinate[dot,label=right:{$O$}] (O) 
     (2,0,-3.2) coordinate (A) (0,0,-3.2) coordinate[dot] (B)
		pic[3d/cone/outer/.append style={save named path=lc}]{3d/cone={r=2,h=3.2}} 
	 (0,0,2.4) coordinate[dot] (C)
	    pic[3d/cone/outer/.append style={save named path=uc}]{3d/cone={r=1.5,h=-2.4}};
   \path[save named path=line] (2.5,0,-4) -- (-2,0,3.2);
   \path[save named path=v] (0,0,-5) -- (0,0,4);	
   \tikzset{3d/ordered paths/.cd,lc/.style={draw=none},uc/.style={draw=none}}
   \tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={v,lc,line,uc}}
   \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0]
    \draw[3d/hidden] (B) -- (A);
	\pic[draw,pic text={$\beta$},angle radius=2em,angle eccentricity=1.5]{angle=B--O--A};
	\pic[draw,angle radius=1em]{right angle=A--B--O};
![Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 2.39.41 PM.png](/image?hash=45f098f649edcc324a913072559230df00b3dcc72194e5062752210d096d7e7e)

You can define the height of the lower cone `H`, the radius of its base `R`, and the height of the upper cone. This fixes the radius of the upper cone.
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,
	dot/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt},
	declare function={R=2;H=3.2;r=1.5;}]
  \begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=30,theta=70}]
   \path (0,0,0) coordinate[dot,label=right:{$O$}] (O) 
     (2,0,-H) coordinate (A) (0,0,-H) coordinate[dot] (B)
		pic[3d/cone/outer/.append style={save named path=lc}]{3d/cone={r=R,h=H}} 
	 (0,0,H*r/R) coordinate[dot] (C)
	    pic[3d/cone/outer/.append style={save named
   \path[save named path=line] (1.25*R,0,-1.25*H) -- (-1.25*r,0,1.25*H*r/R);
   \path[save named path=v] (0,0,-H-1) -- (0,0,H*r/R+1);	   
   \tikzset{3d/ordered paths/.cd,lc/.style={draw=none},uc/.style={draw=none}}
    \tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={v,uc,line,lc}}
    \tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={v,lc,line,uc}}
   \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0]
    \draw[3d/hidden] (B) -- (A);
	\pic[draw,pic text={$\beta$},angle radius=2em,angle eccentricity=1.5]{angle=B--O--A};
	\pic[draw,angle radius=1em]{right angle=A--B--O};
This code is also "rotatable".
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,same bounding box=A,
	dot/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1pt},
	declare function={R=2;H=3.2;r=1.5;}]
  \begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=\Angle,theta=70}]
   \path (0,0,0) coordinate[dot,label=right:{$O$}] (O) 
     (2,0,-H) coordinate (A) (0,0,-H) coordinate[dot] (B)
		pic[3d/cone/outer/.append style={save named path=lc}]{3d/cone={r=R,h=H}} 
	 (0,0,H*r/R) coordinate[dot] (C)
	    pic[3d/cone/outer/.append style={save named
   \path[save named path=line] (1.25*R,0,-1.25*H) -- (-1.25*r,0,1.25*H*r/R);
   \path[save named path=v] (0,0,-H-1) -- (0,0,H*r/R+1);	
   \tikzset{3d/ordered paths/.cd,lc/.style={draw=none},uc/.style={draw=none}}
    \tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={v,uc,line,lc}}
    \tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={v,lc,line,uc}}
   \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0]
    \draw[3d/hidden] (B) -- (A);
	 \pic[draw,pic text={$\beta$},angle radius=2em,angle eccentricity=1.5]{angle=A--O--B};
	 \pic[draw,pic text={$\beta$},angle radius=2em,angle eccentricity=1.5]{angle=B--O--A};
	\pic[draw,angle radius=1em]{right angle=A--B--O};

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