The reason why there are dashed lines on the top is that you do not draw the polygon on the top. As for the alphabetic numbering, `foreach` understands alphabetical sequences. (Why LaTeX decided to "hide" the `\@Alph` command from the general public I don't know, but we can use it invoking `\makeatletter` and `\makeatother`.) Building up the list of vertices is straightforward with the `/.list` key handler:
\tikzset{add corner/.code={\edef\mycorners{\mycorners,{(#1')}}},
add corner/.list={B,...,\myLetter}}
All these things combined give
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round]
\begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=110,theta=70},
declare function={R=3;% radius of the base
H=5;% height of S
% height of the intersecting plane
Dot/.style 2 args={circle,fill,inner sep=1.2pt,label=#1:{#2}},
(0,0,0) coordinate (O)
(0,0,H) coordinate (S)
(0,0,H/2) coordinate (CC)
foreach \X [count=\Y] in {A,...,\myLetter}
coordinate (\X)
coordinate (\X')
\path foreach \X in {A,...,\myLetter}{
(\X) node[dot={$\X$}]{} (\X') node[dot'={$\X'$}]{}};
\tikzset{add corner/.code={\edef\mycorners{\mycorners,{(#1')}}},
add corner/.list={B,...,\myLetter}}
\begin{scope}[3d/polyhedron/.cd,O={(CC)},fore/.append style={fill=none},
back/.append style={3d/hidden},
fore/.append style={3d/visible,fill=none},
edges have complete dashes]
\foreach \X [remember=\X as \LastX (initially \myLetter)]
in {A,...,\myLetter}
{\tikzset{3d/polyhedron/draw face with
\tikzset{3d/polyhedron/draw face with corners/.expanded={\mycorners}}

If you want to wrap this in a loop, a few precautions are necessary.
\tikzset{Dot/.style 2 args={circle,fill,inner sep=1.2pt,label=#1:{#2}},
add corner/.code={\edef\mycorners{\mycorners,{(#1')}}},
Alpha/.code 2 args={\edef#1{\@Alph{#2}}}}
\foreach \Ncorners in {3,...,12}
{\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,same bounding box=A]
\begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=110,theta=70},
declare function={R=3;% radius of the base
H=5;% height of S
% height of the intersecting plane
(0,0,0) coordinate (O)
(0,0,H) coordinate (S)
(0,0,H/2) coordinate (CC)
foreach \X [count=\Y] in {A,...,\myLetter}
coordinate (\X)
coordinate (\X')};
\path foreach \X in {A,...,\myLetter}{
(\X) node[dot={$\X$}]{} (\X') node[dot'={$\X'$}]{}};
\tikzset{add corner/.list={B,...,\myLetter}}
\begin{scope}[3d/polyhedron/.cd,O={(CC)},fore/.append style={fill=none},
back/.append style={3d/hidden},
fore/.append style={3d/visible,fill=none},
edges have complete dashes]
\foreach \X [remember=\X as \LastX (initially \myLetter)]
in {A,...,\myLetter}
{\tikzset{3d/polyhedron/draw face with
\tikzset{3d/polyhedron/draw face with corners/.expanded={\mycorners}}