add tag

Time series are boring to read without labels... 

**My question**

I'd like to have a systematic approach to comment upon a Time serie, as in this :


- 1 table to load `VIX.dat`
- 1 table with dates of interest I'd like to flag `mydates.dat`.

**M(not so well)WE**

Based on this [for the metadata in label]( 
 and [this for the vertical line](



%\definecolor{myuniversity}{RGB}{59, 33, 130}

	date	variable
2021-04-23	 18.50 
2021-04-22	 18.71 
2021-04-21	 17.50 
2021-04-20	 18.68 
2021-04-19	 17.29 
2021-04-16	 16.25 
2021-04-15	 16.57 
2021-04-14	 16.99 
2021-04-13	 16.65 
2021-04-12	 16.91 
2021-04-09	 16.69 
2021-04-08	 16.95 
2021-04-07	 17.16 
2021-04-06	 18.12 
2021-04-05	 17.91 
2021-04-01	 17.33 
2021-03-31	 19.40 
2021-03-30	 19.61 
2021-03-29	 20.74 
2021-03-26	 18.86 
2021-03-25	 19.81 
2021-03-24	 21.20 
2021-03-23	 20.30 
2021-03-22	 18.88 
2021-03-19	 20.95 
2021-03-18	 21.58 
2021-03-17	 19.23 
2021-03-16	 19.79 
2021-03-15	 20.03 
2021-03-12	 20.69 
2021-03-11	 21.91 
2021-03-10	 22.56 
2021-03-09	 24.03 
2021-03-08	 25.47 
2021-03-05	 24.66 
2021-03-04	 28.57 
2021-03-03	 26.67 
2021-03-02	 24.10 
2021-03-01	 23.35 
2021-02-26	 27.95 
2021-02-25	 28.89 
2021-02-24	 21.34 
2021-02-23	 23.11 
2021-02-22	 23.45 
2021-02-19	 22.05 
2021-02-18	 22.49 
2021-02-17	 21.50 
2021-02-16	 21.46 
2021-02-12	 19.97 
2021-02-11	 21.25 
2021-02-10	 21.99 
2021-02-09	 21.63 
2021-02-08	 21.24 
2021-02-05	 20.87 
2021-02-04	 21.77 
2021-02-03	 22.91 
2021-02-02	 25.56 
2021-02-01	 30.24 
2021-01-29	 33.09 
2021-01-28	 30.21 
2021-01-27	 37.21 
2021-01-26	 23.02 
2021-01-25	 23.19 
2021-01-22	 21.91 
2021-01-21	 21.32 
2021-01-20	 21.58 
2021-01-19	 23.24 
2021-01-15	 24.34 
2021-01-14	 23.25 
2021-01-13	 22.21 
2021-01-12	 23.33 
2021-01-11	 24.08 
2021-01-08	 21.56 
2021-01-07	 22.37 
2021-01-06	 25.07 
2021-01-05	 25.34 
2021-01-04	 26.97 
2020-12-31	 22.75 
2020-12-30	 22.77 
2020-12-29	 23.08 
2020-12-28	 21.70 
2020-12-24	 21.53 
2020-12-23	 23.31 

	date	Label	position
	2021-02-24	 {It was a good day} 	0.5 % as in `[pos=0.5]`
	2021-01-10	 {Market's hangover} 	0.5
	2020-12-31	 {Happy new year} 		0.3
	2020-12-24	 {Merry Xmas} 			0.7

			date coordinates in=x,
			date ZERO=2020-12-23,
			xticklabel=\month-\day, %\year, 
			xticklabel style={rotate=90},
			enlarge x limits=false,
			xmin=2020-12-23, %date ZERO

		%The time serie
		\addplot[smooth,no markers] table [x=date,y=variable] {VIX.dat};
		%The dates where I need a vertical line + label
		% So far I just have the label
		% The vertical line shoule be based on date in mydates.dat
		% no rendering so far.

			line width=1pt,
			nodes near coords,
			point meta=explicit symbolic,
			visualization depends on={value \thisrow{position}\as\mypos},
			every node near coord/.append style={font=\small,pos=\mypos}
		] table	[meta=Label] {mydates.dat};

	%\draw ({axis cs:date,0}|-{rel axis cs:0,1}) -- ({axis cs:1.2,0}|-{rel axis cs:0,0});


Top Answer
user 3.14159
This answer has two codes:
1. placing the texts at some absolute y values, and
2. placing the texts at some fractions of the height of the axis.

It is fairly easy to add the vertical lines around the `nodes near coords` via `append after command`. The current output isn't pretty but in principle this syntax allows you to produce the target plot.

%\definecolor{myuniversity}{RGB}{59, 33, 130}

date	variable
2021-04-23	 18.50 
2021-04-22	 18.71 
2021-04-21	 17.50 
2021-04-20	 18.68 
2021-04-19	 17.29 
2021-04-16	 16.25 
2021-04-15	 16.57 
2021-04-14	 16.99 
2021-04-13	 16.65 
2021-04-12	 16.91 
2021-04-09	 16.69 
2021-04-08	 16.95 
2021-04-07	 17.16 
2021-04-06	 18.12 
2021-04-05	 17.91 
2021-04-01	 17.33 
2021-03-31	 19.40 
2021-03-30	 19.61 
2021-03-29	 20.74 
2021-03-26	 18.86 
2021-03-25	 19.81 
2021-03-24	 21.20 
2021-03-23	 20.30 
2021-03-22	 18.88 
2021-03-19	 20.95 
2021-03-18	 21.58 
2021-03-17	 19.23 
2021-03-16	 19.79 
2021-03-15	 20.03 
2021-03-12	 20.69 
2021-03-11	 21.91 
2021-03-10	 22.56 
2021-03-09	 24.03 
2021-03-08	 25.47 
2021-03-05	 24.66 
2021-03-04	 28.57 
2021-03-03	 26.67 
2021-03-02	 24.10 
2021-03-01	 23.35 
2021-02-26	 27.95 
2021-02-25	 28.89 
2021-02-24	 21.34 
2021-02-23	 23.11 
2021-02-22	 23.45 
2021-02-19	 22.05 
2021-02-18	 22.49 
2021-02-17	 21.50 
2021-02-16	 21.46 
2021-02-12	 19.97 
2021-02-11	 21.25 
2021-02-10	 21.99 
2021-02-09	 21.63 
2021-02-08	 21.24 
2021-02-05	 20.87 
2021-02-04	 21.77 
2021-02-03	 22.91 
2021-02-02	 25.56 
2021-02-01	 30.24 
2021-01-29	 33.09 
2021-01-28	 30.21 
2021-01-27	 37.21 
2021-01-26	 23.02 
2021-01-25	 23.19 
2021-01-22	 21.91 
2021-01-21	 21.32 
2021-01-20	 21.58 
2021-01-19	 23.24 
2021-01-15	 24.34 
2021-01-14	 23.25 
2021-01-13	 22.21 
2021-01-12	 23.33 
2021-01-11	 24.08 
2021-01-08	 21.56 
2021-01-07	 22.37 
2021-01-06	 25.07 
2021-01-05	 25.34 
2021-01-04	 26.97 
2020-12-31	 22.75 
2020-12-30	 22.77 
2020-12-29	 23.08 
2020-12-28	 21.70 
2020-12-24	 21.53 
2020-12-23	 23.31 

date	Label	position
2021-02-24	 {It was\\ a good\\ day} 	30 
2021-01-10	 {Market's\\ hangover} 		35
2020-12-31	 {Happy\\ new\\ year} 		30
2020-12-24	 {Merry\\ Xmas} 			35

			date coordinates in=x,
			date ZERO=2020-12-23,
			xticklabel=\month-\day, %\year, 
			xticklabel style={rotate=90},
			enlarge x limits=false,
			xmin=2020-12-23, %date ZERO

		%The time serie
		\addplot[smooth,no markers] table [x=date,y=variable] {VIX.dat};
		%The dates where I need a vertical line + label
		% So far I just have the label
		% The vertical line shoule be based on date in mydates.dat
		% no rendering so far.

		\addplot[no marks,draw=none,
			nodes near coords,
			point meta=explicit symbolic,
			%visualization depends on={value \thisrow{position}\as\mypos},
			every node near coord/.append style={font=\small\sffamily,
				append after command={(tmp|-current axis.north)
				edge (tmp.north) (tmp|-current axis.south)
				edge (tmp.south)}}
		] table	[x=date,
			y=position,meta=Label] {mydates.dat};
![Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 10.58.26 AM.png](/image?hash=b717d55709a921fbb061cdf903fe6764ef1bac6ff4a87a5de51cea4ba43df764)

You can also use a `scatter plot` (recall that `nodes near coords` is also a `scatter plot`) to draw the lines and position the nodes at some fraction of the vertical dimension of the plot. (Note that you currently have to set `y expr` to something reasonable by hand. The styles of the edges and nodes can be controlled via the `edges` and `vnodes` keys.)

\pgfplotsset{vertical markers/.code={\pgfplotsset{vmarks/.cd,#1}%
		\pgfplotsset{scatter,only marks,mark=none,
		   scatter/@pre marker code/.append code={%
			\coordinate[overlay] (\pv{tmp name});
			\path[draw=none] (\pv{tmp name}|-current axis.south) -- 
				node[pos=\mypos,/pgfplots/vmarks/node style] 
				(\pv{tmp name}'){\mylabel}
			(\pv{tmp name}|-current axis.north)
			(\pv{tmp name}'.north) edge[/pgfplots/vmarks/edge style] 
				(\pv{tmp name}'.north|-current axis.north)
			(\pv{tmp name}'.south) edge[/pgfplots/vmarks/edge style] 
				(\pv{tmp name}'.south|-current axis.south);
	vmarks/.cd,tmp name/.initial=tmp,edge style/.style={draw,solid},
	edges/.code={\pgfplotsset{vmarks/edge style/.append style={#1}}},
	node style/.style={},
	vnodes/.code={\pgfplotsset{vmarks/node style/.append style={#1}}}

%\definecolor{myuniversity}{RGB}{59, 33, 130}

date	variable
2021-04-23	 18.50 
2021-04-22	 18.71 
2021-04-21	 17.50 
2021-04-20	 18.68 
2021-04-19	 17.29 
2021-04-16	 16.25 
2021-04-15	 16.57 
2021-04-14	 16.99 
2021-04-13	 16.65 
2021-04-12	 16.91 
2021-04-09	 16.69 
2021-04-08	 16.95 
2021-04-07	 17.16 
2021-04-06	 18.12 
2021-04-05	 17.91 
2021-04-01	 17.33 
2021-03-31	 19.40 
2021-03-30	 19.61 
2021-03-29	 20.74 
2021-03-26	 18.86 
2021-03-25	 19.81 
2021-03-24	 21.20 
2021-03-23	 20.30 
2021-03-22	 18.88 
2021-03-19	 20.95 
2021-03-18	 21.58 
2021-03-17	 19.23 
2021-03-16	 19.79 
2021-03-15	 20.03 
2021-03-12	 20.69 
2021-03-11	 21.91 
2021-03-10	 22.56 
2021-03-09	 24.03 
2021-03-08	 25.47 
2021-03-05	 24.66 
2021-03-04	 28.57 
2021-03-03	 26.67 
2021-03-02	 24.10 
2021-03-01	 23.35 
2021-02-26	 27.95 
2021-02-25	 28.89 
2021-02-24	 21.34 
2021-02-23	 23.11 
2021-02-22	 23.45 
2021-02-19	 22.05 
2021-02-18	 22.49 
2021-02-17	 21.50 
2021-02-16	 21.46 
2021-02-12	 19.97 
2021-02-11	 21.25 
2021-02-10	 21.99 
2021-02-09	 21.63 
2021-02-08	 21.24 
2021-02-05	 20.87 
2021-02-04	 21.77 
2021-02-03	 22.91 
2021-02-02	 25.56 
2021-02-01	 30.24 
2021-01-29	 33.09 
2021-01-28	 30.21 
2021-01-27	 37.21 
2021-01-26	 23.02 
2021-01-25	 23.19 
2021-01-22	 21.91 
2021-01-21	 21.32 
2021-01-20	 21.58 
2021-01-19	 23.24 
2021-01-15	 24.34 
2021-01-14	 23.25 
2021-01-13	 22.21 
2021-01-12	 23.33 
2021-01-11	 24.08 
2021-01-08	 21.56 
2021-01-07	 22.37 
2021-01-06	 25.07 
2021-01-05	 25.34 
2021-01-04	 26.97 
2020-12-31	 22.75 
2020-12-30	 22.77 
2020-12-29	 23.08 
2020-12-28	 21.70 
2020-12-24	 21.53 
2020-12-23	 23.31 

date	Label	position
2021-02-24	 {It was\\ a good\\ day} 	0.5 
2021-01-10	 {Market's\\ hangover} 		0.5
2020-12-31	 {Happy\\ new\\ year} 		0.3
2020-12-24	 {Merry\\ Xmas} 			0.7

			date coordinates in=x,
			date ZERO=2020-12-23,
			xticklabel=\month-\day, %\year, 
			xticklabel style={rotate=90},
			enlarge x limits=false,
			xmin=2020-12-23, %date ZERO

		%The time serie
		\addplot[smooth,no markers] table [x=date,y=variable] {VIX.dat};
		%The dates where I need a vertical line + label
		% So far I just have the label
		% The vertical line shoule be based on date in mydates.dat
		% no rendering so far.
		\addplot[visualization depends on={value \thisrow{Label}\as\mylabel},
			visualization depends on={value \thisrow{position}\as\mypos},
			vertical markers={vnodes={font=\small\sffamily,align=center}}
			table	[x=date,y expr=30] {mydates.dat};
![Screen Shot 2021-04-26 at 1.42.28 PM.png](/image?hash=03355655280526818b1e1eb17c46c7e0b56106c00f14099a7c64057295ce424b)

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