There is a new feature in [`3dtools`]( `3d/draw ordered paths`. It draws paths, which the user has to save with `save named path`, in a given order but uses clips and inverted clips to distinguish between hidden and visible stretches. It is designed to work for (plane) polygons and, more generally, closed curves, but since a clip along a single straight line does not do anything it can also be used for single straight lines. It draws the object in the order it is given them, i.e. does *not* attempt to do any automatic 3d ordering. But it allows one to avoid some repetition.
In this example we use the planes and some lines for these paths.
\begin{tikzpicture}[3d/install view={phi=50,theta=70},
line join=round, line cap=round,
declare function={a=3;b=2.7;alpha=20;},same bounding box=A]
(0,0,0) coordinate[label=left:{$O$}] (P_0)
(-a/2,0,0) coordinate (P_1)
(a/2,0,0) coordinate (P_2)
(0,a,0) coordinate (A_0)
(-a/2,a,0) coordinate (A_1)
(a/2,a,0) coordinate (A_2)
(0,{a*cos(alpha/2)},{a*sin(alpha/2)}) coordinate (B_0)
(-a/2,{a*cos(alpha/2)},{a*sin(alpha/2)}) coordinate (B_1)
(a/2,{a*cos(alpha/2)},{a*sin(alpha/2)}) coordinate (B_2)
(0,{b*cos(alpha/2)},{b*sin(alpha/2)}) coordinate (B)
(0,{a*cos(alpha)},{a*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (C_0)
(-a/2,{a*cos(alpha)},{a*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (C_1)
(a/2,{a*cos(alpha)},{a*sin(alpha)}) coordinate (C_2);
\foreach \X in {A,B,C}
{\path[save named path=p\X] (P_1) -- (P_2) -- (\X_2) -- (\X_1) -- cycle;
\path[save named path=l\X] (P_0) -- (\X_0);}
\foreach \X in {A,C}
{\tikzset{3d/plane through={(P_1) and (P_2) and (\X_1) named p\X}}
\path[/tikz/3d/project={(B) on p\X}] coordinate (B_\X);
\path[save named path=lB\X] (B) -- (B_\X);}
\tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={pC,lC,lBC,pB,lB,lBA,pA,lA}}
\tikzset{3d/draw ordered paths={pA,lA,lBA,pB,lB,lBC,pC,lC}}