The situation is a bit tricky because even if it won't take up any space, the `tikzpicture` will still have to start a line and `tcolorbox` you use afterwards will go in a fresh line.
### Approach 1:
You can works around this by placing your `tikzpicture` into the theorem box:
\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm}
% arc=0pt,
% outer arc=0pt,
tikzmark, shapes.geometric}
text width=7.5cm, text height=1.5cm, enhanced,colback=white,colframe=framecolour, coltitle=comcolor,
sharp corners,boxrule=0.8mm,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-0.3\baselineskip-0.4pt,xshift=2mm},
boxed title style={tile,size=minimal,left=0.5mm,right=0.5mm,
colback=white,before upper=\strut},
\begin{mytheorem}[colframe=red, text width=10cm]{}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay, scale=0.9, transform shape]
\node[draw, overlay, very thick, rounded corners, fill=green!30, anchor=north west, xshift=12cm, yshift=-0.5cm] at (current page.north west) {hello};
\setlength\itemsep{5pt plus 1fill}
\item one
\item two
\item three
\item four
\item five
\item six
### Approach 2:
you could also try to hide the space from the additional line:
\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm}
% arc=0pt,
% outer arc=0pt,
tikzmark, shapes.geometric}
text width=7.5cm, text height=1.5cm, enhanced,colback=white,colframe=framecolour, coltitle=comcolor,
sharp corners,boxrule=0.8mm,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-0.3\baselineskip-0.4pt,xshift=2mm},
boxed title style={tile,size=minimal,left=0.5mm,right=0.5mm,
colback=white,before upper=\strut},
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay, scale=0.9, transform shape]
\node[draw, overlay, very thick, rounded corners, fill=green!30, anchor=north west, xshift=12cm, yshift=-0.5cm] at (current page.north west) {hello};
\begin{mytheorem}[colframe=red, text width=10cm]{}
\setlength\itemsep{5pt plus 1fill}
\item one
\item two
\item three
\item four
\item five
\item six
### Approach 3 (preferred):
Personally, I would not use the crude `\pause` command and use normal overlays instead. This has the advantage, that you can place the `tikzpicture` at the end of the top aligned frame, so nothing bad should happen even if it might add one more line
\setbeamersize{text margin left=10mm,text margin right=5mm}
% arc=0pt,
% outer arc=0pt,
tikzmark, shapes.geometric}
text width=7.5cm, text height=1.5cm, enhanced,colback=white,colframe=framecolour, coltitle=comcolor,
sharp corners,boxrule=0.8mm,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-0.3\baselineskip-0.4pt,xshift=2mm},
boxed title style={tile,size=minimal,left=0.5mm,right=0.5mm,
colback=white,before upper=\strut},
\begin{mytheorem}[colframe=red, text width=10cm]{}
\setlength\itemsep{5pt plus 1fill}
\item one
\item two
\item three
\item four
\item five
\item six
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay, scale=0.9, transform shape]
\node[draw, overlay, very thick, rounded corners, fill=green!30, anchor=north west, xshift=12cm, yshift=-0.5cm] at (current page.north west) {hello};