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  Hello world!
  Not working :(


I can see that as `\testtrue` is enclosed in a group, the final test done at the end of the document doesn't work, but I want it to work. So how to set a conditional to true value globally? i.e. even outside the local group.
Top Answer
Just for educational purposes, it is also possible to smuggle a conditional out of the current group using the primitive `\aftergroup`. The result is not a global assignment, but just a local assignment that escapes the current group level to the next one.

And again for educational purposes, also a loop that will smuggle the conditional to the top level (being a pretty slow version of global assignments; as I said this is for educational purposes, while the single level smuggling can be useful, this global smuggling should've been a global assignment from the start).



\newcommand\evaltest{\iftest Hello world!\else Not working :(\fi}

        \csname #1\csname if#1\endcsname true\else false\fi\endcsname

        \csname #1\csname if#1\endcsname true\else false\fi\endcsname




Answer #2
Just after posting the question, I found an answer here <>.

  Hello world!
  Not working :(


I still welcome alternative approaches. Don't hesitate to post more answers :)

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