With the help of [this](https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/563447/174620) amazing answer I have formed the following code. What I am trying to achieve here is to pass the argument of `\textbf` command to `\textit` command before processing the document. It seems that it works for single characters (like in `\textbf{a}`), but not for LaTeX control sequences (like in `\textbf{\oe}`). What shall I do to pass the entire argument of a command to another one in this setup?
PS - If anybody knows a way in l3programming to achieve what I am trying to get, I would love to hear about it. I don't have any preference for Lua per se, it's just that I found a solution for my purpose and hence I am using it.
function testlua ( s )
s = unicode.utf8.gsub
return s
testlua, "testlua")
Top Answer
I'm by no means a pattern matching expert, so please correct me if this is wrong, but I think there are two problems:
- with `%a` you only catch normal letters and not special characters like `\`. Try with `.` for all characters instead
- to capture a multi-character string, add a `*`
(I found https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#6.4.1 useful to look up character classes)
% !TeX TS-program = lualatex
function testlua ( s )
s = unicode.utf8.gsub
return s
testlua, "testlua")
![Screen Shot 2021-03-26 at 21.57.12.png](/image?hash=692a88fbb2bd804f7926152fb90e1e088a9b09e93ffc804af974cbbb0c4c0eeb)