Here is a way. At some point I may add a cylinder pic, or upgrate the frustum to allow for two equal radii.
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=2;h=2*R;alpha=30;}]
\begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=0,psi=0,theta=70}]
\draw[3d/hidden] (R,0,0) arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=R];
\path[every coordinate node/.append style={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill}]
(alpha:R) coordinate[label=below:{$E$}] (E) (alpha+180:R) coordinate[label=below:{$C$}] (C)
(0,0,0) coordinate[label=below:{$B$}] (B) (0,0,h) coordinate[label=above:{$A$}] (A)
[shift={(A)}] (alpha:R) coordinate[label=above:{$F$}] (F) (alpha+180:R) coordinate[label=above:{$D$}] (D);
\draw[3d/hidden] (A) -- (B) (C) -- (E) -- (F);
( -- ( -- ( -- ( -- cycle;
\draw[3d/visible] (C) -- (D) -- (F);
\draw[3d/visible] (R,0,h) -- (R,0,0) arc[start angle=0,end angle=-180,radius=R]
-- (-R,0,h) (0,0,h) circle[radius=R];

**ADDENDUM**: I added the frustum with two equal radii, i.e. a cylinder, to `3dtools`. Now one can draw intersections of planes with cylinders. The following is a *start*, i.e. I did not implement all cases in full detail, let alone test them thoroughly. The following depicts the "generic" case.
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=2;h=2*R;}]
\begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=0,psi=0,theta=70}]
\path (0,0,h/2) coordinate (P);
% in principle we would have to check that (P) is not outside the cylinder
\path[overlay] (0,0,1) coordinate (n);
\path[overlay] (1,1,0) coordinate (n);
\path[overlay] (1,1,1) coordinate (n);
\typeout{Normal is too short.}
% normal is in the x-y plane
\path[overlay] (\myex) coordinate (myex) (\myey) coordinate (myey)
(\myS) coordinate (myS);
(0,-\myr) -- (0,\myr) -- (h,\myr) -- (h,-\myr) -- cycle;
% normal is in the z direction
\tikzset{3d/plane with normal={(\mynn) through (P) named pI},
3d/line through={(0,0,0) and (0,0,h) named lC}}
\path[3d/intersection of={lC with pI}] coordinate (myS);
\path[pattern={Lines[angle=-45,distance={2pt}]}] (myS) circle[radius={R}];
% normal is generic
\tikzset{3d/plane with normal={(\mynn) through (P) named pI},
3d/line through={(0,0,0) and (0,0,h) named lC}}
\path[3d/intersection of={lC with pI}] coordinate (myS);
\path[overlay] (\mynn) coordinate (myex) (\myey) coordinate (myey);
\draw[3d/hidden] (\myangleB:{R/cos(\myangle)} and {R})
arc[start angle=\myangleB,end angle=\myangleB-180,
x radius={R/cos(\myangle)},y radius={R}];
circle[x radius={R/cos(\myangle)},y radius={R}];
\draw[3d/visible] (\myangleB:{R/cos(\myangle)} and {R})
arc[start angle=\myangleB,end angle=\myangleB+180,
x radius={R/cos(\myangle)},y radius={R}];

As you can see, one would have to make all sorts of sanity checks for the user input. Doable, but tedious.
This version makes a few more checks, but there is a small inaccuracy in the vertical plane, the origin of which I do not know.
\foreach \mynormal/\myP in {{(0,0,1)}/{(0,0,h/2)},% normal/point defining plane
{\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=2;h=2*R;},same bounding box=A]
\begin{scope}[3d/install view={phi=0,psi=0,theta=70}]
\path \myP coordinate (P);
% check that (P) is not outside the cylinder
\typeout{The point P is not inside the cylinder. Intersection won't be computed.}
\path[overlay] \mynormal coordinate (n);
\typeout{Normal is too short. Intersection won't be computed.}
% normal is in the x-y plane
\path[overlay] (\myex) coordinate (myex) (\myey) coordinate (myey)
(\myS) coordinate (myS);
\draw[3d/hidden] (h/2,-\myr) -- (-h/2,-\myr) -- (-h/2,\myr);
(-h/2,-\myr) -- (-h/2,\myr) -- (h/2,\myr) -- (h/2,-\myr) -- cycle;
\draw[3d/visible] (h/2,-\myr) -- (h/2,\myr) -- (-h/2,\myr);
% normal is generic or in z-direction
\tikzset{3d/plane with normal={(\mynn) through (P) named pI},
3d/line through={(0,0,0) and (0,0,h) named lC}}
\path[3d/intersection of={lC with pI},overlay] coordinate (myS);
\path[overlay] (\myex) coordinate (myex) (\myey) coordinate (myey);
\draw[3d/hidden] (\myangleB:{R/cos(\myangle)} and {R})
arc[start angle=\myangleB,end angle=\myangleB+180,
x radius={R/cos(\myangle)},y radius={R}];
circle[x radius={R/cos(\myangle)},y radius={R}];
\draw[3d/visible] (\myangleB:{R/cos(\myangle)} and {R})
arc[start angle=\myangleB,end angle=\myangleB-180,
x radius={R/cos(\myangle)},y radius={R}];