Package TIPA is used for typing IPA characters. It uses T3 encoding. I want to know how it works. e.g. The command for printing the character `ɳ` in TIPA is `\textrtailn`, but like many of the TIPA commands it has a shorthand which is supposed to be enclosed in `\textipa{<shorthand>}` and it is `\textipa{\:n}`. In the following example I have renewed `\textrtailn` with Unicode character `ɳ`, used a Unicode font for IPA i.e. Charis SIL. I have italicized and emboldened the whole document text for the better visual understanding.
\setmainfont[Color=myblue]{CharisSIL} % https://ctan.org/pkg/charissil
Hello world!
In the results I see the output of `\textrtailn` in the italic shaped, bold Unicode font Charis SIL. I can search it in the document, but the output of `\textipa{\:n}` is still in T3. It's not Charis; It's not Unicode; I can't search it in the PDF and of course it's not italic and bold. I tried looking up `tipa.sty`, but it didn't make much sense to me. The only command I could see for `\textrtailn` was -
and the only command for a class of characters (retroflexes) which uses `\:` as the shorthand initial was -
How to renew this with the Unicode character `ɳ`? Any ideas?
Top Answer
barbara beeton
This answer was kindly provided by Ulrike Fischer, who knows what she's talking about
\setmainfont{CharisSIL} % https://ctan.org/pkg/charissil
Hello world!
ɳ \:n \textrtailn